L.A. Salsa Syllabus

1. Beginners ( B1 )

No prior knowledge of dancing experience needed. Come as you are - with a partner preferably. No fancy dancing shoes needed. Sneakers will do the job ;)

a) Footwork (Steps):
- Basic / Side to Side / Back to Back /On the Spot
- Crossbody Lead (CBL)
Learn the basic steps. The heart of L.A. salsa is the CBL therefore taught very early throughout the course. In later more advanced classes CBL is widely used with turns and dips.

b) Turns (Spins):
- Lady Right Turn ( Right and Left handed )
- Men Right Turn
- Lady and Men Left Turn ( Double handed ))
It gets more interesting if you know how to lead and follow a turn. Here are the two foundation turns.

c) Bodywork (Bodymovement):
- Shoulder and Elbow
- Hip and Waist
- Hand-holding
- Body Isolation
These basic bodywork exercises will give you a good idea how to swing across that dance floor. We are also going to look into "cuban motion".

d) Patterns (Routines):
- Basic Right Turn Pattern #1, #2
- Basic Left Turn Pattern #1, #2
- Basic Right and Left Turn Pattern #1 There are 3 basic patterns in this course. All include the CBL.

e) Extras (Optionals):
- Hats
- Ducks
- Simple Dip
Sometimes during dancing you can throw in a surprise. Here are three things you can use to do so.

f) Partner-work:
- Leading and Following technique
- Positioning and Motion
- Directions and Distance
- Closed and Open Position
In the beginning everybody will have to count. Soon you'll feel the rhythm and don't need to count anymore.

2. Advanced Beginners ( B2 )

Have at least 4 to 8 hours of basic salsa dacning instructions. Should know CBL and Basic Spins.

a) Footwork (Steps):
- Review: Basic Steps.
- Shines: Susie Q and Around the World
- Open Break
- Basic with side step
- Adv. Crossbody Lead
Knowledge of beginner's steps needed. Shines are "dance alone" steps, mostly to show off a bit while dancing with a partner without hand hold.

b) Turns (Spins):
- Progressive Left Turn for women
- Hook Turn for men
- Half turn for men
The most common left turn for women is the progressive left turn. Learn this turn, balance it well and you are unstoppable. Hook turn will give men more time to think during and between patterns. Half turns at a bit of a surprise and intrigue durning a pattern.

c) Bodywork (Bodymovement):
- Shoulder and Elbow
- Hip and Waist
- Hand-holding
- Body Isolation
- Alternative Positioning
As the pattern become more elaborate, body movements and quick hand hold and changes also become very involved. Practicing patterns and these movements at the same time is therefore very helpful leading and following technique.

d) Patterns (Routines):
- Basic Right and Left Turn Pattern #2
- Crosshand Turn Combination #1, #2
- Hammerlok Combination #1 ( Jacket )
Pattern become more complex through variation. We are going to look into these patterns and break them down into pieces.

e) Extras (Optionals):
- Shoulder and Chin Turn
- Double Hat
- Men and Women Styling ( Accidentals )
- Long Dip
Here are more little suprises you can throw in. Ladies should be prepared for these popping moves. You could loose an eye ;) Also practicing leading and letting.

f) Partner-work:
- Leading and Following technique
- Positioning and Motion
- Directions and Distance
- Closed and Open Position
Men need to lead “on time” which means “half a beat earlier”. More emphasis on weight distribution and momentum.

3. Intermediate 1

Every class will have a different pattern. Each pattern will have it's own uniqueness and similarities. Also we're going to have more time to practice and review each pattern more detailed.

a) Shadow Step ( Titanic )
b) Double Right Turn
c) Hammerlock Pattern #2 ( Backpack )
d) Dips, Pops, Styling
e) Cuban Salsa Beginner by P'Pom

4. Intermediate 2

Every class will have a different pattern. Each pattern will have it's own uniqueness and similarities. Also we're going to have more time to practice and review each pattern more detailed.

a) Copa Step
b) Crossback pattern
c) Hammerlock Pattern #3 ( Loops )
d) Progressive Dips, Belly walk, Shoulder Turn
e) Cuban Salsa Advanced Beginner by P'Pom