Happy New Year

Salsa Classes start again on the 15th of January.

Lets get right to the point.
This year, hopefully, there will be more people coming to the classes. Every course has it's own progression line. Basically all courses are progressive and based upon each other. There are four courses:
Beginners, Advanced Beginners, Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2.
Check out the syllabus for more information.

Group classes are 5 couples maximum and cost 2200 to 2500 Baht each.
>> more information

Free Salsa Classes every Saturday

For those of you who want to take salsa classes but are still a bit shy, come and check out our free classes on Saturday.
Here are the schedules:
- Adv. Beginners/Intermediate 20:00 to 21:00 ( 50 Baht per person )
- Beginners Class 21:00 to 22:00 ( Free )

Call: 06 3030 576 to reserve
Email: aniruth_n@yahoo.com