Welcome to Lesley and Jeff's Wedding Page.

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"Bridal March"

This is a Picture of my husband (Jeff), myself, and my mother (Betty)at my wedding shower:

This is a picture of my two beautiful sisters (Valerie on the left of me and Abi on the right). Abi loves to sing and we all hope that someday she will be rich and famous. She has performed on numerous occasions in our hometown and around the state. She has even sang on the Grand Ole Opry stage. You can also see more pictures of Abi on Laura-Beth's Homepage, or visit Abi's Homepage:

This is my two dads (my real father on my left (Mac)and my step-father "Captain Bill" (this is what his fishing buddies call him) on my right. You can learn more about Capt' Bill on Capt' Bill's Down-Home Page.

This is a picture of both our parents, my parents (William and Betty) and my husband's parents (Bud and Sue):

This is a picture of my wonderful Godparents Bill and MaMa Lois (MaMa Lois also made the flower arrangements for my wedding)I Love them dearly:

I will add more wedding pictures later. We had a beautiful candlelight ceremony on May 16, 1997, and we have been loving life ever since.

May God continue to bless and keep his divine hands on our house and our family, and you and yours!!!!


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