Manville Hillsborough Elks #2119


Message Board
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Who We Are
Hall Rentals

Welcome to the Manville-Hillsborough Elks #2119

Meetings 1st & Third Wed

[BPO Elk]

Bingo every Thurs at 7:30

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to enter this site since January 13, 2000.  Welcome! 

Contact Information

Telephone:                (908) 725-1717
FAX:                            (908) 725-1760
Postal address:        P O Box 355, Manville, NJ  08835
Physical Address:   1500 Brooks Blvd, Manville
Electronic mail:        General Information:
Map to our Lodge:

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2003-2004 Slate of Officers

Exalted Ruler:          

Virginia Shields
Leading Knight:       
Loyal Knight:           
Lecturing Knight:     
Secretary:                   Marie Kuchnicki
Treasurer:                   Bonnie Wisniewski
Inner Guard: 
Tiler:                          Joseph Jasontek Jr.
Trustees:                    Kevin Cichon
                          Margaret Nowak
                          Barbara Orzeczowski
                          Virginia Shields
Dottie Mleczko
House Manager:        Alfred E. Nowak, PER

Webmistress:    Nancy Guhse



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Send mail to Web Mistress Nancy Guhse with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: July 7, 2004