Obedience and Tracking Dalmatians -- This site has some cool information on how much work a Dalmatian actually is, and also a couple unique dal items for sale.
The Dal House -- Want some gift ideas? This site has lots of dal goodies! Check it out!!
DalmatiAn Plantation -- This is a very popular site. Lots of info and more cool links.
Black on White -- This site has more dal items to decorate you and your home with.
Dal Stamps -- Stamps from around the world, beautifully mounted & framed.
PetPro Gifts & Collectibles -- more items for the person who can't see enough spots!
Out of Print Dal Books -- hard to find dal books.
ASpotAbove -- a fellow "dal-aholic" with photos of her dals and more dal items.
--Allesandro & Katiusha's page of dal
computer icons, screen savers, animated gif's, & themes. Even a
recipe for dal cake!
Send a 101 Puppy Gram -- Disney's e-mail puppy gram to brighten anyone's day.