More Ruckus & Rockzy
This is mom and me practicing on
my show stance. I'll be nice and won't tell her I'm on a hill so I'm
standing kind-of crooked. We're both still rookies in the show ring,
but we'll get it together soon!
This is Ruckus when he was only
three months old! Cute little guy, wasn't he?
This is Ruckus all grown up &
acting silly. He's still a cutie though! He's the trick dog in the
home. He will sit, lay down, shake or high five with either paw,
speak, spin, jump up and twirl in the air, roll over, or play fetch.
Most of this he learned when he was only four months old! Just proves
that Dalmatians are a very intelligent breed.
This is Domino. She used to live with
Marcus & Brandi at their mom's , but since Marcus moved in with us, she
moved in too. In
this picture, we just finished exploring the muddy bean field in
front of our house. She got just a little bit

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