Dallys Personal Page
Welcome.  I would like to introduce myself and tell you where I am from, where I have been and where I am going soon.

So, please take a look around and enjoy yourself.  I add new material regularly to keep my site fresh, so check back often!
Where I am from:
I am from the Cental American country of Panama'.  I was born and raised in the province of Chiriqui, the city of David.

School teaching was my profession for fourteen-years, teaching first through twelth-grades. 

I have eighteen-years education in Primary Education for Children from the University of Panama.

I have three sisters and seven brothers. 

My family still lives in Panama.
Where I have been:
My young teen-age son and I migrated to Salinas, California in 1990.  I worked at three jobs just to make a survival living for the two of us.  I could not speak English, so had to ask bi-lingual friends to communicate for me.

I occasionally would attend several churches in the area, to worship God and Praise Him for providing, protecting and making a way we could come to the United States to live, work and become better educated.

My husband was a member of the First Assembly of God, Salinas and played in the band and was a Royal Ranger Commander and Chaplain.

We met through a mutual bi-lingual friend at the church and soon we were discussing the Bible and our experiences with the help of our friend.

I became ill with an infected right ring finger and he prayed to God for healing of it.  God healed it and we soon were attracted to each other.   He let me have a Walkman tape player to learn English with, but I was so tired at the end of working three jobs that I did not have the time or energy to learn with it.

Just before Valentines, I mailed my husband-to-be a romantic card, telling him how much I think of  him and that he is special.

Shortly after that we began writing letters using bi-lingual friends help and the use of a bi-lingual dictionary.

At the beginning of March, 1992, he proposed to me in Spanish and English and I said SI, YES!

We were married on March 19, 1992 and went to beautiful Carmel-by-the-sea for our honeymoon.

As I did not know English we had to communicate with our dictionaries and very short sentences that sometimes made us both laugh alot, as my English was not good and his Spanish was worse.

After the honeymoon we settled in Salinas where my husband lived and later got our own apartment.

With God's help through a "Parallel Spanish/English Bible" the Holy Spirit taught me to speak English.

We would read the Bible one-hour each night with my husband reading in English and then I in Spanish.

The emphasis was for me to speak English, so my husband really concentrated on repeating God's Word over and over again until I could read and speak the words in an American accent of sorts.
Where I am going soon:
I believe that I am going to be with God the Father, God the Son my loving, precious Savior, Jesus Christ and God the Holy Spirit in Heaven forever, very soon. To be with the one and only triune God, for eternity!

Want to know how I know this? Click here for the revealing truth!
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