Snoopy is an extroverted beagle. He is a virtuoso at every endeavor- atleastinhis
daydreams atop his doghouse. He regards hismaster, Charlie Brown, as "that round-headed
kid" whobrings him his supper dish. He is fearless though prudently cautious about
"the cat next door." He neverspeaks- that would be one human trait too many- but
hemanages to convey everything necessary in facialexpressions and thought balloons.
A one-man showwith superior intelligence and vivid imagination, he hascreated such
multiple personalities as: Joe Cool, WorldWar I Flying Ace, Literary Ace, Flashbeagle,
Vulture,Foreign Legionnaire, etc.
Oct. 4, 1950 Snoopy's first appearance.
March 25, 1955 The first time Snoopy goes after Linus's blanket.