Once you have decided where to put your pond,mark the area
with string or white paint. Dig your hole and check the
level at all times.
You must dig down as deep as the pre-formed pond is,usually
about 21/2 to 3 feet deep.Make sure the hole you dug is
completely level.
Add a layer of sand to the bottom of the hole,and level
again Place pond in hole and re-level,adjust if necessary.
Add about a foot of water and check to be level,then start
packing your dirt firmly against the liner so it won't
Fill to the 2 ft. level and make sure the pond is very
level again,make sure dirt is packed tightly against the
pond to prevent shifting.
Fill to the top with water and use up remaining dirt around
the pond.
Make sure you buy a good pump for the pond,it will last a
long time.
If your pond holds 160 gals.water the pump should move 300
gal.per hour at least to perform properly.
Hook up your filter system and run the hose around the
backside of the pond and conseal with rocks.
You will need alot of flat rocks for around your pond to
hide the top of the liner.I find that going to river beds
and streams,you can find alot of them.
Arrange your rocks so they are staggered over the pond and
at this time you may want to make a water-fall at one end
of the pond.
This job usually will take about a week to 2 weeks to
complete.Take your time and the end result will be very
If you have any questions concerning pond building please
feel free to write me at: