Diana Michelle's Family Album

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Diana Michelle smiles on her 3rd birthdayH i! I'm Diana Michelle, and welcome to my Family Album! I'm now 3 years old, and leading a very busy preschooler's life.

My mom says she created this site as a companion to my other site, Diana Michelle's Home Page, because she wants to keep the other site focused on the needs of parents with disabilities. This way, all my friends and family can have a special place to view my many photo albums, which are currently being created and added as often as Mommy and Daddy can sit down long enough to work on my site (which, they tell me, isn't very often). Now that I am not a baby anymore I really do keep them busy, but please do stop by when you can, because there's always something new going on around here!

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See my other pages!

blue hand print bullet Diana Michelle's Home Page
purple hand print bullet The Night I Was Born
purple hand print bullet My Baptism
purple hand print bullet Diana Michelle's Baby Book
purple hand print bullet The Day I Helped Diane Get Married...
purple hand print bullet Diana's Spring Fling! (added May 28, 1999)
purple hand print bullet Halloween Costume Gallery (added June 27, 1999)

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blue hand print bullet Sign Guestbook
purple hand print bullet View Guestbook

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© 1998