Welcome to the Canoga Fire Departments web page. In the following pages you will find the history of our department, our line officers, our goals in the community, pictures of our members and equipment in action.
It is with deep sadness that we mourned the loss of Past Chief and longtime member Don Peckham last year.
The fire department is a First Responder Emergency Medical provider for our district. This is a great asset to the community due to the location of the district relative to the ambulance service that serves our small community. We currently have 2 Basic EMTs, with several in classes now. The remainder of our membership is First Aid, CPR, and AED trained. We would like to thank State Senator Mike Nozzolio for the grant that we are using to purchase new turnout and gear and airpacks with.
Here is a picture of our new truck that we are having built currently. It is unpainted at this time. Check back as we get updates on the truck.
© 1997 thoster@flare.net
If you live in the Canoga Fire District and are interested in becoming a member as a fire fighter, EMS Personnel, or both, please stop by the firehouse any Monday night.
Unfortunately at this time we do not have a departent patch.
Canoga's Officers
The History Of Canoga Fire Department
Photos mostly pictures of the trucks
Fire EMS Has links to many items of interest
Seneca County Emergency Management Office
North Seneca Ambulance
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