These are my sweet little angels
This is my dog Gem, she's a 7 year old Blacklab&Chow mix. She's not as playful as Toby But she loves cameras, She always poses. She's really fun to be around. Me and her usually pretend to wrestle. She is an outside dog and loves to dig,chew through things and clim her pen walls. Me and my dad almost constantly have to change her pen around because she's always figuring ways out. We have a chain called the emergence chain it's used for when the dogs are acting up,or when they keep getting out, or when we're fixing the pen(making it better) Gems chain's hooked up to her house Toby's is hooked up to a big wooden pole.

This is Toby, of course it says that right above his picture. He's 12 year old Cocker Spanial.Toby's the one who taught Gem how to climb. He's very playful, and he's an outside dog too Toby and Gem have pens right next to each other. He's a really strong dog for his size. He can pull me and my neighbor in the red wagon I own. He likes doing stuff like that alot I think he thinks It's a game because it's a big challenge. But I think he would rather pull just my neighbor around but it is good exercise!
This is Koby he's my oddballz. He's the first Delmation to be a oddballz. He's only a baby right now, but he'll grow. He's very playfull, loves to play fetch with his atomicball. If you want you can go to the page were I found out this little guy even existed click here, and you can download a free starter kit. Or you can by the whole version at almost any computer hardware store.

This is billy he's my dogz. He is also just a puppy. Oddballz and Dogz are not the same things. Although they are made by the same company they are not the same things. If you went through the link for oddballz there on their page would be a link for dogz. But if you don't want to go through all that trouble trying to find the link on that page just click here. Sometimes it works, sometimes it don't.
Please help me to stop animal abuse. I mean how would you like it if you were the animal and your master was beating on you!? heres a sweet poem I found on the internet I like it I hope you do to.
A Dog's Plea
Treat me kindly, my beloved friend, for no heart in all the world is more grateful for kindness.
Do not break my spirit with a stick, for though I might lick your hand between blows, your patience and understanding will more quickly teach me the things you would have me learn.
Speak to me often, for your voice is the world's sweetest music, as you must know by the fierce wagging of my tail when the sound of your footstep falls upon my waiting ear.
Please take me inside when it is cold and wet, for I am a domesticated animal, no longer acustomed to bitter elements. I ask no greater glory than the privilege of sitting at your feet.
Keep my pan filled with fresh water, for I cannot tell you when I suffer thirst.
Feed me clean food that I may stay well, to romp and play and do your bidding, to walk by your side and stand ready to protect your with my life, should your life be in danger.
And, my friend, when I am very old and I no longer enjoy good health, do not make heroic efforts to keep me going. I am not having any fun. Please see to it that my life is taken gently. I shall leave this earth with the last breath I draw that my fate was always safest in your hands. ~ by A Dog's Friend in Kansas City, Mo.