Welcome To Jennifer's (My) Webpage

Welcome to my humble digital home! My name is Jennifer I am 5'2", blue eyed and you have stumbled onto my webpage! You can find out more about me and my
family on the picture page. I have two dogs and you can find out more about them on the dogs page.
Now, I don't know how you got here; I don't care how you got here; I'm just glad your here. I haven't been getting that many visitors latly and I was wondering why! When I first started this page I had people come to it from all around the world! I'm even still friends with some of them. But ever since people stopped comeing I thought to myself, "This page needs to change!And it's gotta change fast!" I'm not that picky about haveing a small amount of visitors, but when the visiting stops I just think it is a little dumb keeping a diserted page! As you see It's getting so diserted it's starting to grow cobwebs! I am determand that throughout my summer vication, I'm going to make this the best darn site I can imagine! Well since this is only the start of my determanation The only links i have are the links i always had! Some of the stuff is updated so have a look and Have fun!!!!!
Here are the links I know of:
leave curser over link for discription!
Free web page!!!!
Crystal Lake Stables Horse Game
Cool Astronimy Page

Chat room
Jessica's (my sister) Web page
This is to my friend's Cousin's page!
This is to my other web page
Dogs page
Picture page
My Cyber pets page
My Cheats page
My Dogz 3&4 place
My Science Olympiad
My School page

Email me!!!