Navajo Rock
Born April 11, 1999
Don't look Mama...She's taking pictures of us again!!
April 19, 1999
Let's see if I can do this without Mama
April 19, 1999
AWWWWWWWWW....What a sweet face
April 19, 1999
Eight days old and growing up fast!!
April 19, 1999
This is my other Mama, she is 'printing' me
April 24, 1999
Such a BIG BOY!!!
April 27, 1999
I wonder if the cat will play with me
May 28, 1999
I'm getting pretty good at posing for the camera now
May 15, 1999

I will be adding more pictures as Navajo grows.
Please come back often and check.
Love, Marla