Here's Daddy's latest Zack cartoon for X-mas. Zack is 22 months old here.
Zack at 20 months old.
Here he is at 18 months old.
Kinda looks like he's saying the famous line: 'I've always depended on the kindness of strangers'. Actually it's half a peek-a-boo.

Here he's playing peek-a-boo, and cheating. LOL

Na na naa na naa na........bat boy!

Another towel head favorite!
Zack at 16 months old.
Here's the whole family.
Here he is 15 months old. Hamming it up for mommy's new camera.
Check out those baby blues!
The pictures below are Zack at 14 months old.
Don't hate me 'cause I'm beautiful.
Mommy, you can take my picture just one more time!
But that's it.
Just kicking back in a bed he created himself.
Zack's scared walk (side step). Notice Elmo is facing the wall.
Just a little proud, would you say?
Yeah! Mommy and I are going shopping!
Hey, It's the end of April and it's still cold!
Main page
Daddy's animated Zack series.
Zack's morphed pic (newborn to 1 yr old)
One year old pictures
Zack's buds
Link to more pics
Link to older pics
Ultrasound pictures
Nursery pictures
Our House pictures