U.B.C. Royal Ambassadors

Royal Ambassador Emblem



"The purpose of Royal Ambassadors is to involve boys in missions

University Baptist Church


The Royal Ambassadors are boys in the 1st grade thru 6th grade that study

God's word through missions and missions activities.

Royal Ambassadors is divided into two groups, LADs and Crusaders. The LADs

are grades 1 thru 3 and are identified as LAD 1, LAD 2 and LAD 3. The Crusaders

are grades 4 thru 6 and are identified as Page, Squire and Knight.


RA Mottos

Royal Ambassador Motto: "We are ambassadors for Christ." 2 Corinthians 5:20

Lad Motto: "Learning And Doing in Jesus' Name" 1 Samuel 2:26, 3:1-10

Crusaders Motto: "Help Others in Jesus' Name" John 6:1-15


The Royal Ambassador Pledge:

As a Royal Ambassador I will do my best:

To become a well-informed, responsible follower of Christ;

To have a Christlike concern for all people;

To learn how the message of Christ is carried around the world;

To work with others in sharing Christ;

and To keep myself clean and healthy in mind and body.


University Baptist Church

RA Director: William (Bill) Ott

Lad Counselors: William (Bill) Ott, and Todd Taylor

Crusader Counselors: Steve Clift, and David Smith

809 Jordan Lane

Huntsville, Alabama 35816

(256) 837-3611

Mark Robbins Royal Ambassador Chapter Meets every Wednesday evening

from 6:30 to 7:15 pm. At these meetings, the boys have mission

study and prayer, as well as plan mission and interest activities.

Come and be with us.



Come and meet the guys (Click Here)


Come and meet some other Royal Ambassadors at other Churches

Highland Baptist Church Royal Ambassadors
Myrtle Grove Baptist Church Royal Ambassadors
Oak Forest Baptist Church
RAs at First Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas
First Baptist Church of St.Petersburg FL.
RAs at Betel Baptist Church in Brazil

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