By William (Bill) Ott ((This Page Stays Under Major Construction))
I Work for ERC Inc.
Here In Huntsville, Al
.As A PC and Network Support Analyst
Things I do:
LAN Administrator responsible for overseeing the operation and management of Local Area Networks. Install server software, upgrade servers and network operating systems. Monitor and analyze network performance. Responsible for developing communications specifications to expand or upgrade existing network communications. Troubleshoot network communication problems and provide support in connecting computers to the LAN.
Family and Friends of mine Home Pages
Local Churches in the Area
University Baptist Church (Member)
First Baptist Church of Meridianville
Miscellaneous Sites
Huntsville and Madison County Races (They Volunteer There Time To Save Lives)
Now For Some Humor
Good Clean Funnies (Check out this Site)
E-Mail Address is:
Web address:
I Live in Huntsville, Alabama
Some of My Personal Interests
University Baptist Church Royal Ambassadors (Very Special Boys)
Thank You for visiting, Come back soon.
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This page was last updated on 04-06-2006