margo154's homepage

Hi, I have just moved in and wanted to welcome you to my pages

My name is Margaret, I am married and have been for twenty-eight years. We have three children and two grandchildren. We also have two dogs(Boxers), spoiled rotten dogs, so spoiled that they think they are human.

I am a nurse and my husband is a pellett mill operator. We both like to do gardening, Ed, my husband, has a vegetable garden and I have flower gardens. We also like to go fishing and doing things with our family.

I will be adding more pages so be sure to come back and see what I add.....

Here I am again doing some more work on this page....
I have added a few links to some other pages that I have

An Award I recieved,MY 1st, from Tina J. a fellow FOW member. THANK YOU TINA.

A gift I recieved from Tina J, THANK YOU TINA.

A gift I recieved when I joined Families On The Web. THANK YOU ANGIE.


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This button will take you to MY Friends PageClick Here

This Diploma will take you to Heartland University where I just graduated from HTML101 Click Here

This button will take you to my HTML 101 Homework PageClick Here

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A great site for free graphics and backgrounds. THANK YOU PAT

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