Housing, Residential Schools & Other Related Links
The following links aren't just for autism, but rather provide information on the topics of housing, independent living for all disabled persons, special needs trusts, etc. Most of these links lead to pages outside of this website, so please bookmark this page before leaving. You can also return here by clicking on your browser's back button.
Listing of a residential site or school does not constitute endorsement
- Autistic Adults at Bittersweet Farms (book) Focuses on adult autism treated through the concepts used at Bittersweet Farms, an 80-acre farm in northwest Ohio. The innovative program is based on the premise that adults with autism continue to need special care and training throughout their lives.
BLARE, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization devoted to providing a better life for people with autism. We currently operate eight residences in the northern Illinois area.
- Camp Venture Started in 1969 by the late Kathleen Lukens as a summer camp for mentally retarded children, Camp Venture was the first to open a group home for developmentally disabled adults in Rockland County. Since then, Venture has grown to include more than 25 group homes, a workshop, and a large Day Treatment program that provide much-needed personal attention and care to the men and women we serve. (New York)
- Camphill Communities - USA Directory - listing of addresses & phone numbers to their locations in the US (New York, Pennsylvania, & Minnesota).
- Chester House is a private, non-profit agency which provides residential and training programs for children and adults with diagnoses of Autism and other Developmental Disabilities. (Boulder, CO)
Community Services for Autistic Adults and Children (CSAAC) -
The Residential Program provides housing for adults with autism. These homes give them an alternative to living in an institution or in their parents' homes, and allow them to exercise some independence as adults. (Maryland)
- Eden ACREs, A Community Residence Experience - offers year-round, structured, community-based residential services to adolescents and adults with autism. Recognizing the need to provide an array of residential options for these individuals, Eden continues to place its efforts toward developing quality community residences that enhance the lives of the participants while promoting their personal growth and independence. (New Jersey)
Emerald Center Residential Services - Community Residences resemble single-family homes and provide 24 hour-a-day care and supervision, counseling, recreation and other activities within the community. Residences are certified under state and federal standards.
Supervised Living Programs serve adults with disabilities or special needs capable of independence. Adults may live in apartments, duplexes or other housing. Supervision and support services are provided with regard to individual needs. (Greenwood SC)
- High Hopes Ranch -
is an organization founded to help parents of autistic children. Through
constant support and education, we give exceptional children a chance to
reach their full potential. High Hopes Ranch is located in the rural
community of Cloverdale, California. The ranch is situated at the top of
a ridge which looks down on some of the most beautiful scenery in the area,
including beautiful Lake Sonoma. (California)
- Innisfree,
a voluntary community for adults with mental disabilities, is dedicated to
providing a life-sharing home and work environment in an atmosphere of beauty,
warmth, and respectfulness. All community members are valued and all are
encouraged to explore a meaningful and challenging life. (Virginia)
- Kern County Autism Center was established as a non-profit organization in 1980 by a small group of parents, family members, friends, and educators of children with autism. These dedicated individuals had come to the realization that as their "children" were becoming adults, there were not many appropriate living and vocational opportunities for them in Kern County. The Kern County Autism Center's current facilities include a residential facility and a day program for adults with autism and similar disabilities. The facilities are located in a small farming community approximately 100 miles north of Los Angeles, California.
- Martin Luther Homes, Inc.(M.L.H.) is a non-profit agency affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America and recognized by the Missouri Synod. Within Larimer County, M.L.H. is the largest residential provider serving persons with developmental disabilities in group homes and apartment settings.
- Rainbow Acres, Inc. - Established in 1973 by Ralph Showers, Rainbow Ranch and Sunburst Farm are located in the beautiful Verde Valley of central Arizona.
- Service Alternatives for Washington,
Inc. provides quality community-based services throughout the state.
Programs are defined by integrity, teamwork, and trust, serving children
and adults who have recognized needs for education and support in residential
and community settings. (Washington)
- Southbury Training School (STS) was built in the 1930's as a home for individuals with Mental Retardation. Over 60% of the approximately 750 residents have lived here for over 30 years. The average age of the current resident population is 53 years old and a majority of them have chosen to continue living at STS. With this aging population, Southbury Training School is slowly becoming a home for seniors. (Connecticut)
- TURN Community Services - Provides a community alternative to institutionalization for the citizens it helps. The people who primarily receive services from TURN have mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injury. Located in Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Asperger/Autism: On-The-Same-page: Residential Living - For many years when a family needed services for their child with Autism and Asperger's Syndrome, their only option was to seek residential placement in the only setting available -- an institution.
- CFILC Directory is an actively maintained database of Independent Living Centers in California. The Directory contains basic address and contact data for all California Centers.
- Independent Living is a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities who work for self-determination, equal opportunities and self-respect. California State Independent Living Counsel
- Independent Living Centers are private, non-profit, consumer-controlled, community-based organizations providing services and advocacy by and for persons with all types of disabilities. Their goal is to create opportunities for independence, and to assist individuals with disabilities to achieve their maximum level of independent functioning within their families and communities. Provides addresses & phone numbers for ILC's throughout the US, Puerto Rico & the Virgin Islands
- Independent Living Centers - California - Listing of address, phone number(s) and email addresses.
- Independent Living Centers in California Beyond - Other states included are: Alaska, Illinois, Pennsylvania, and Missouri
- Independent Living Research Utilization (ILRU) program is a national center for information, training, research, and technical assistance in independent living. It's goal is to expand the body of knowledge in independent living and to improve utilization of results of research programs and demonstration projects in this field. It is a program of TIRR (The Institute for Rehabilitation and Research), a nationally recognized medical rehabilitation facility for persons with disabilities.
- Independent Living Resources - Kansas Commission on Disability Concerns
- Living Independently in Northwest Kansas - LINK, Inc., is an independent living program for individuals who have physical, mental or emotional disabilities. The program is uniquely consumer driven. At every level the people who might use the service are involved in the management of the program. Most of LINK's staff have personal experiences with a disability, and provide services to consumers from the perspective of that experience.
- Northstar Services To assist adults with developmental disabilities who want to live in their own place, to plan, locate, access, and coordinate the kinds of services they need and want in order to derive the benefits of living in the community, much as other people without disabilities typically choose to live. (California)
- Specialized Housing, Inc, Innovative Housing for Adults with Additional Needs - We are a development team of clinicians, lawyer, architect, and builders committed to creating housing for people with additional needs. (Independent living & homeownership) (Massachusetts)
- Camphill Special Schools - Residential school for children 5-19 years. Seminar in curative education.
Respite Services
- Have A Heart Farm is an environment that supports movement away from disabilities and into abilities where adults and children can participate as one. We are located just outside of River Falls, WI on State Highway 29.
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