Welcome to my Guestbook! I appreciate your comments & suggestions. Please take a few minutes to sign my guestbook & let me know that you were here! Thank you.

Debbie - 11/22/00 04:18:52
My Email:rfrank3721@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: autism.com


Robin Priestley - 11/20/00 19:55:44
My Email:rspriestley@ra.rockwell.com
How did you find us?: web

This is an interesting concept. There is a great possibility for group homes of this nature

Dawn Adams - 11/15/00 02:11:16
My Email:noway70091@aol.com
How did you find us?: searching


- 11/11/00 00:58:07


Jacqueline Dunigan - 11/07/00 22:31:55
My Email:jdunigan@uswest.net
How did you find us?: internet

I have an adult sibling with autism and am researching life-long care for her. Your website is very informative. Please keep me updated.

Bonnita Neilson - 11/05/00 06:14:29
My Email:exs1@ncweb.com
How did you find us?: on the web


Linda Place - 11/05/00 05:47:50
My Email:lamp@together.net
How did you find us?: while viewing the Autism site.

Advocating for my 17 yo son who is autistic.

Cassandra Ayon - 10/29/00 20:37:58
My Email:payasa84@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: I went to a workshop for work and was given this website.

Hi, I work as a paraeducator in monterey county, Ca. I have been working there for over 10 years and LOVE IT! Just recently there has been more children with autisim(sp?)in the past 4 years that have been enrolled in our small school. We live in a very sm ll community and not very many people are aware of this syndrome, event the parents of these children it is very nice to know of a website that I can direct these parents to thank-you!

cassandra ayon - 10/29/00 20:13:11
My Email:payasa84@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: a conference I attended for work.

I really am impressed with this website and would like to thank you for putting it together. I know can tell the parents at work to go to this website

sarah golden - 10/25/00 22:32:27
My Email:sarahgolden40@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: surfing

i have a 9 year old with asperger's syndrome.

Terry Triplett - 10/25/00 20:55:14


Amie Donofrio - 10/23/00 08:10:44
My Email:Butch5493@gateway.net
How did you find us?: Autism.com website

I'm looking for parents who are willing to discuss how they REALLY FEEL. Because of what I have read on the internet the last 7 years, is to me not beeing honest with their feelings. I know first hand, my daugther is 7 yrs old. I love her to death. I don't ever think about the future because were will she be when I'm 80. I'm 40 now and it's already impossible for 2 people to take care of her. So I just make it my life. and do thin s when she's in school like (normal parents of normal kids.) I could never put her in a residential house. Even if it's like the Westchester Country Club. So I'm on anti-depressents. And need to take Xanax sometimes. When she comes home from school 1/ hour later, I get a nervous cough. I feel my blood pressure is high, which I take pressure pills for as well. Dressing my daughter in the morning and getting her on the bus is hell. Once she's on the bus, I feel like I've just been through boot camp. The strange thing is I love being in my house when my husband is working and my daughter is in school. It's so quiet. What I don't understand is that's when I start to cry and feel guilty because I yelled at her because she fights you getting dressed. nd what's more strange is I really start to miss her 2 hours later. I know every other parent feels isolated from normal daily activity to do with kids. I felt robbed of being a mother when she was a baby/toddler. I felt like a therpist, not a mommy. OK, I feel better. It's good to vent your anger. I stopped going to support groups because I just can't her these mother's talk about how they tried to make the day better with positive thinking. I know first hand all you parents feel like me. One thing I recommed is the medication called resperdol. I was told by doctors, teachers, friends, that she should be on medication. I felt I had no right to give her drugs that plays with the seretoin in her brain. I know how I felt when I went on Ser one, my anti-depressent. However, it was my choice. But by the time she was 6yrs old I couldn't take the noises from her: like shaking her head side to side with a chanting noice, very soprano too. This medication is wonderful. Its not ritilin (sp?) It makes her more focused, she will ask to go to sleep at night,and most of all not too hyper anymore. Well, I think I've said enough. Anyone who want to email me can at Butch5493@gateway.net (Butch is my dogs name!) Chow.................

Amie Donofrio - 10/23/00 07:37:33
My Email:Butch5493@gateway.net
How did you find us?: Autism.com website

I'm looking for parents who are willing to discuss how they REALLY FEEL. Because of what I have read on the internet the last 7 years, is to me not beeing honest with their feelings. I know first hand, my daugther is 7 yrs old. I love her to death. I don't ever think about the future because were will she be when I'm 80. I'm 40 now and it's already impossible for 2 people to take care of her. So I just make it my life. and do thin s when she's in school like (normal parents of normal kids.) I could never put her in a residential house. Even if it's like the Westchester Country Club. So I'm on anti-depressents. And need to take Xanax sometimes. When she comes home from school 1/ hour later, I get a nervous cough. I feel my blood pressure is high, which I take pressure pills for as well. Dressing my daughter in the morning and getting her on the bus is hell. Once she's on the bus, I feel like I've just been through boot camp. The strange thing is I love being in my house when my husband is working and my daughter is in school. It's so quiet. What I don't understand is that's when I start to cry and feel guilty because I yelled at her because she fights you getting dressed. nd what's more strange is I really start to miss her 2 hours later. I know every other parent feels isolated from normal daily activity to do with kids. I felt robbed of being a mother when she was a baby/toddler. I felt like a therpist, not a mommy. OK, I feel better. It's good to vent your anger. I stopped going to support groups because I just can't her these mother's talk about how they tried to make the day better with positive thinking. I know first hand all you parents feel like me. One thing I recommed is the medication called resperdol. I was told by doctors, teachers, friends, that she should be on medication. I felt I had no right to give her drugs that plays with the seretoin in her brain. I know how I felt when I went on Ser one, my anti-depressent. However, it was my choice. But by the time she was 6yrs old I couldn't take the noises from her: like shaking her head side to side with a chanting noice, very soprano too. This medication is wonderful. Its not ritilin (sp?) It makes her more focused, she will ask to go to sleep at night,and most of all not too hyper anymore. Well, I think I've said enough. Anyone who want to email me can at Butch5493@gateway.net (Butch is my dogs name!) Chow.................

maysadek - 10/17/00 15:59:15
My Email:maysadek@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: autism.com

try to send me any news in that world, thank you

David Christopher Miedzianik - 10/09/00 18:39:08
My URL:http://freespace.virgin.net/david.mied/index.htm
My Email:davidmiedzianik@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: Search Engines

I'm 44 and I have autism. Can someone famous or maybe even not so famous write, and record, a song about me? As no-one loves me only my cat. And it's horrible having no hugs, and kisses, from women ever. There's more of my stuff on Internet search on my surname miedzianik Lycos etc. Love David C. Miedzianik xxxxx Denver, Colorado, USA until the 2nd November 2000. Then back to Rotherham, Yorkshire, England, UK.

Debra - 09/30/00 00:39:03
My Email:oliver@gateway.net
How did you find us?: Emial

my son Jesse has autism hes is 6year old. We live in Milwaukie Oregon.I enjoy gong to peole Web site Thank Debra

- 09/19/00 22:54:21


Donna Hotella - 09/16/00 01:19:03
My Email:ddh63@aol.com
How did you find us?: went to the labor day festival

This is a great thing that the tribe can do for its members, help on the housing . We all thank you very musch for the care and understanding for the people. Thank you, Donna Denice Nelson Hotella

Trudy Wodinsky - 09/07/00 18:34:04
My Email:twodinsky@mayerbrown.com
How did you find us?: Sherie Helstien

I'm the mother of an autistic 34-year-old man. Currently he's in an IRA on Roosevelt Island, NY. We're not totally happy with the residence or staff. He'd eventually like to get his own supported apartment in New York City. Any help or information re his would be greatly appreciated.

DIANNE LINDSEY - 08/27/00 01:40:06
How did you find us?: SEARCH: AUTISM RESIDENTIAL


gene kuntz - 08/26/00 08:49:55
My URL:www.genekuntz.com


Patricia duff tucker - 08/20/00 22:06:45
My Email:dufftucker@mns.com
How did you find us?: msn search engine

I assist in coordinating a HomeChoice program in Pasadena, California and would like to recieve any updates on your site. I will be in the Bron beginning August 24, 2000. If my schedule permits, I will try to stop by for a short visit

Luanne - 08/17/00 16:26:40
My Email:l.hutchison-riddick@sympatico.ca
How did you find us?: Autism Forums listing

I am a mother of a beautiful little 7 year old boy who was diagnosed with PDD @ age 3. As of this date, he is presently in a group home for autistic/PDD children on a temporary crisis basis. I am looking for permanent residential placement as I can no lo ger do it all alone anymore. He can be quite aggressive and after 4 years of ABA Therapy and 2 years of trying to find the appropriate medication, I need help with him.

Robert Jerkatis - 08/11/00 03:18:15
My Email:bob.law@gateway.net
How did you find us?: A Friend-Connie


eunice barnes - 08/08/00 04:35:42
My Email:eunwil@aol.com

The looks like a very valuable site. Thank you I have a 18, year old daughter who has autism. I'm always in search of answers.

Sherrpip - 08/03/00 22:59:16
My URL:http://AOL
My Email:Sherrpip@AOL.Com
How did you find us?: Keyword

After 10 years as a director of four mental health agencies I am returning to teaching. My certificate is for MI however I will be teaching Autisic lower elementary kids. Need help

Oren Warshavsky - 07/19/00 17:05:39
My Email:owarshavsky@cobrinandgittes.com
How did you find us?: internet searches

My two year old son is autistic

joepetit - 07/16/00 23:42:05
My Email:joepetit.hotmail.com
How did you find us?: searched the web for choctaw


Steve Hopewell - 07/15/00 16:55:22
My URL:http://www.pennine.org.uk
My Email:steve@pennine.org.uk
How did you find us?: Yahoo

Please note our address has changed for Pennine Camphill Community. www.pennine.org.uk Thanks

RANSFORD YEBOAH - 07/12/00 18:33:34
My Email:rransford@gppo.africaonline.com.gh
How did you find us?: internet

Bravo,My Grandfather died of Autism.Iam currently unemployed and Ihave being fascinated by your greatwork you are doing for these unfortunate parents of ours.I would not mind working as a full volunteer for this worthy course.You may send me more informat ont through;P.O.BOX KN 3235, KANESHIE-ACCRA,GHANA.Thank you.

gene kuntz - 07/07/00 04:20:40
My URL:http://www.genekuntz.com
My Email:gene@silcom.com
How did you find us?: google

interesting i am a dd professional.

E.M. Blevins - 06/26/00 15:52:14
My URL:http://www.covenantfoundation.com
My Email:zekeblevin@aol.com
How did you find us?: surfing the web


jeff gary - 06/22/00 14:46:42
My Email:jeffgary@yahoo
How did you find us?: friend


Carla Evans - 06/21/00 21:13:36
My Email:Carlamariedaisy@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: web

I am not sure if I have the right web site or not. I am interested in finding out how I myself can work with an Autistic Child. I have worked with them before and have just moved to a new area in West bloomfield, Michigan. I would like to find out info mation on what I would need to do to work with Children or Adults that might have this. If you know where I should inquire to or any advise I would be happy to receive it. Thank you

Laura Cummins - 06/16/00 04:35:43
My URL:http://homepages.go.com/~lauracu/index.html
My Email:harmonioustimes@juno.com
How did you find us?: searched for you

It's been a long time since I've been to your pages and I sure am pleasantly surprised at all the new info there is! This is a wonderful resource and I will be back since I am now just getting serious about forming an autism community with other families Thanks for all your work! Laura

Aishah Abu Bakar - 06/14/00 02:52:04
My Email:abaishah@tm.net.my
How did you find us?: via Internet

I have friends and relatives with autistic children. Some of them are young adolescents and adults. Parents are looking for ways of helping their children and viable solutions to their longterm care. Would appreciate advice and tips from anyone who care t share their experiences.

scott fuller - 05/30/00 22:42:51
My Email:suzukipilot@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: internet


Jane Olson - 05/23/00 19:42:39
My Email:pajolson@aol.com
How did you find us?: Looking for info on Autism and alternate choices of care

I have just joined this very valuable list of you working on the same concerns as we are...thank you all for making this site as powerful as it is. There are several voices I would like to respond to as time allows but for now I think it better to introdu e who we are.We are in the beginning stages of setting up a group home/ supported living environment for our son and others on land we have purchased outside of Seeley Lake,Mt. Our main focus,as all parents would be, is to provide the environment that bes serves our son's need and hopefully will serve others as well. Our son,David, is 19 years old with multiple diagnoses. He falls under the classification of Autism, mild to moderate retardation,emotional disturbance and psycotic disorder (agressive type). avid is a very social and charming young man 90% of the time. The other 10% of the time he needs direct help with anger and anxiety management skills. As far as we know to date he will probably require a supervised and sheltered living and work environmen for his lifetime. Our goal is to build four sepate homes in a campus setting with each resident having a private bedroom and sharing a bathroom with one other resident. There will be four residents per home. Our hope is that the population will include b th male and female residents and be a community for all to enjoy projects together. We realize that each person will have their own talents and needs and because of this we wish to start(and perhaps stay) small with a total of 16 residents. This community will be built on the foundation of respect , acceptance and love for each unique individual. It will be a place where the residents will have the opportunity to enjoy work in a sheltered place and have access to varios forms of recreation and multiple the apies that they may find benefit in. There will be adequate,trained staff to provide safty and help and encouragement.We hope to draw from the local and surrounding communities for this staff and are fortunate to have professionals from our area who are w lling to train and set up the project for success from the start...these people have been of great help to our son and have many years experience in this field. We hope to draw many professionals together to further understand methods of communication tha will help our children live peaceful and productive lives.As many parents know, it is hard to hard to find a nice living environment for our children as they get older where they feel it belongs to them and their needs are truely met and the concerns of he parents are not only heard but addressed.We want the ranch to become that place and serve as a working model for others. The research will focus on improving our ability to communicate more effectively and to understand how to listen to people with aut sm and other challenges. We will be working with the M.I.N.D. Institute associated with the University of California,Davis Campus to reach this goal.( Medical Investigation of Neurological Disorders). This is a brief overview of our intentions and not a c mplete mission statement. We know perameters will have to be set on whom we can serve but for now they are unclear and will have to be clarified as we grow.The projected date for opening is late 2001.We are very interested in talking with other parents wh think a place like this would be helpful in future plans.

David & Isabel Walcutt - 05/16/00 01:43:25
My URL:http://www.egroups.com/group/Neurodiet
My Email:walcutt@pressroom.com
How did you find us?: Search on "Innisfree" AND retarded

We have a 31-yr old daughter with autism and epilepsy. We live in Virgina and recently learned about Innisfree and have made initial contact. We were very favorably impressed; however, I (David) am interested learning about other, similar settings. It is likely we will all relocate in a couple years or so, and so I want to find an appropriate facility. It amounts to a life-style change for the hole family.

Frances - 05/03/00 07:55:11
My URL:http://www.
My Email:fcurson@chisholm.vic.edu.au
How did you find us?: looking for someone like me.

Hi My name is Frances and I'm in Australia. I have a 35 year old Autistic daughter who has never spoken a word. I'm hoping to find others with the same type of Autistic children/adults who need to be able to say how they're feeling and what it's been like aiting to hear 'mom' and coming to terms with a daughter who'll never marry or have children. There are so many things that other's don't understand and don't want to hear about that have been kept to one's self for such a long time. I've probably said e ough but I hope some one will get back to me. Thankyou for your page. Frances

ray allen - 05/02/00 15:26:18
My Email:judy@pacifier.com
How did you find us?: was looking up choctaw

husband ray is half choctaw we are trying to trace his blood line his dads name was willaim bert allen he was full choctaw.he use to interpret at the powwows. thank you judy

june francis - 04/24/00 16:50:20
My URL:http://www.
My Email:balfran@aol.com
How did you find us?: surfed on

I am interested in problems of the older adult autistic (35 yrs plus) and their aging parents and how they are dealing with the group home situation (lack of) and finding ways to get increases in the pay rate for those that are in operation. Also Special eeds Trusts, etc. june

Donald J Kennedy - 04/16/00 09:35:40
My Email:dkenn80553@aol.com
How did you find us?: link


M. Smith - 04/14/00 02:47:28
My Email:ria2000@surfsouth.com
How did you find us?: surfing about autism

I have a 4 year old autistic son.We live in a small town and the doctors don't know much about it.Sometimes it is so hard to deal with everyday life.

MC - 04/10/00 03:23:19
My Email:KMC2Hammer@aol.com
How did you find us?: surfinh

I am a parent of an autistic child. i am interested in fing needed support from other parents.

j.francis - 04/04/00 15:58:45
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:balfran@aol.com
How did you find us?: surfed on

Interested in talking with senior parents about group homes, special needs trusts, etc.

Thanayia - 04/01/00 23:47:47
My Email:whitro@home.com
How did you find us?: surfing

I am glad I ran into this site! I am a teacher at a child care and I am concerned about one of my students. She has been in my care for about 8 months now and she has yet to talk to me, other teachers or the children. She does not play with the other ch ldren, but sometimes will play around them. This child will be 4 in may. Although she doesn't talk to me, recently she has begun to nod or shake her head when I ask her a question. She does however talk with her mom and dad. She is very bright! When I sk her to show me a certain number, shape, color or letter, she can point to the right one. She even goes home and tells her parents everything we learned in class. So I know she understands everything we do in class. She just isn't talking or interacting with anyone at the center. When I asked about her behavior, someone told me she could be autistic. Could she be? Or could she just be a strong willed child? Could this just be a game for her? She is with me for about 4-5 hours a day (not including nap time). This is a long time fo a child to go without talking. Can anyone help me with this? Please e-mail me right away! Thanks, Thanayia

j.francis - 03/22/00 12:21:27
My Email:balfran@aol.com
How did you find us?: surfed on

Hi everyone: My son is an adult autistic who is living in a group home. The group home system is threatened by poor salaries to direct care staff. Also this hinders opening of new homes. Write your senators and representatives about this urgent issue.I ive in PA. Senior Mom

donna boniface - 03/19/00 05:36:06
My Email:dboniface@looksmart.com
How did you find us?: word of mouth

would like to be on your mailing list and would also like for my friend to be added. He wants a copy of your paper sent to him his name and address no e-mail Nathan Billy J83420 A-3 222 LAC 44750 60TH ST W LANCASTER CA 93536 If this is for the Bishinik newspaper

Teresa Palmer - 03/12/00 18:15:28
My Email:TeresaPalmer@msn.com
How did you find us?: seeking info on autism

I am intereted in connecting with other parents and/or professionals that have children with Autism and/or Tourettes Syndrome. My son has both.

Barbara DiFiore - 03/11/00 01:49:25
My Email:jaybarlaw@earthlink.net
How did you find us?: web search

I was just trying to find organizations in the Bronx that deal with the autistic population. We are trying to publicize Autism Awareness Day in the Bronx which is being hosted by the Autism Society of America. It will be held April 8, 2000 from 11AM to PM at PS 176 in the Bronx. We welcome organizations helping autistic children, adolescents and adults to attend or to supply literature about their organization. For further information, please contact us at (718)828-1855 or email to jaybarlaw@earthlink net. Thanks!

Indri Hapsari - 03/06/00 02:51:43
My Email:Pilot96@mailcity.com
How did you find us?: Through link resources.

I am a university student, majoring psychology In Indonesia. I'm very interested in issues around autism. I happen to work on a writing about siblings of children with autism to finish my study. So I search everywhere about it!

Brenda Bartling - 03/01/00 17:26:26
My Email:bjbartli@usd.edu
How did you find us?: yahoo

I need info for a class discussion

Ann Franz - 02/29/00 23:32:15
My URL:http://clk12.md.us
My Email:ann_franz@mail.cl.k12.md.us
How did you find us?: searching for L'arche

Our daughter, Susan Franz, works in Toronto,Ontario, Canada for L'Arche Daybreak. She doesn't keep in touch with us. Would love to hear really how she's doing and why she chose to go there. She is about 39 and a wonderful caring, dedicated person.

Ann Franz - 02/29/00 23:29:36
My Email:ann_franz@mail.cl.k12.md.us
How did you find us?: searching for L'arche

Our daughter, Susan Franz, works in Toronto,Ontario, Canada for L'Arche Daybreak. She doesn't keep in touch with us. Would love to hear really how she's doing and why she chose to go there. She is about 39 and a wonderful caring, dedicated person.

QSACnyc@aol.com - 02/28/00 21:53:14
My URL:http://www.QSAC.com.
My Email:QSACnyc@aol.com
How did you find us?: Surfing

QSAC HISTORY AND MISSION QSAC is an award winning not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing educational, behavioral, residential, recreational and respite services to individuals with autism, pervasive developmental disorder, or another developmental disability with auti tic-like features, throughout the New York City area. QSAC was established in 1978 by a group of concerned parents of children with autism. These parents strongly believed that people with autism were capable of living at home and, in some cases, participating in normal social activities, forming relationsh ps, seeking and maintaining employment and becoming productive and integrated members of their communities. The founders of QSAC were determined to serve the needs of their children, and those that followed, by providing a cost-effective, community-based alternative to life long institutionalization. Through their commitment and energy, QSAC was born. QSAC’s goal is to provide direct services that help children and adults to reach their full potential and thus lead a more productive, independent and fulfilled life. QSAC also offers programs for parents that educate, inform and offer occasional relief rom the day to day care of their children with autism. Today, twenty years since its inception, QSAC, working with the Autism Society of America, Queens Chapter, is a leader in the provision of services to people with autism in New York City. QSAC receives funding from the New York State Office of Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities, the New York City Department of Mental Health, Mental Retardation and Alcoholism Services, the New York State Department of Health, the New York Sta e Education Department, the New York City Board of Education, Medicaid and the United Way of New York. Additional funding is also obtained through foundations, corporations, and individuals. QSAC currently provides services to more than 500 families. H wever, due to funding insufficiencies, QSAC simply can not provide services to all of the families in need. QSAC currently has a waiting list of families requesting services. Recently, QSAC received a Citation of Honor from Queens Borough President Claire Shulman’s Task Force on People with Disabilities for its commitment to the developmentally disabled. QSAC was also instrumental in proclaiming the month of January as "Autis Awareness Month" in Queens. For more information about QSAC or on how we can help you please call us at 718-728-8476.

Donna Venuchekov - 02/21/00 21:24:48
My Email:Venuchek@erols.com
How did you find us?: Under Onelist groups

This is a great list to help work for all autistic adults with who need to live independently of their parents. My son is in a group home, but all adults should be, and they want to be.

Kim Flowers (or silly) - 02/11/00 21:25:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Square/4038
My Email:silly_1979@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: Autism Web Ring :-)

This is a really awesome page.:-) I enjoy learning about autism and asperger syndrome.:-) I don't think there is near enough awareness about it.

Teresa Davis - 02/10/00 15:08:02
My Email:Choctawphantom@aol.com
How did you find us?: browsing the web

May the Choctaw Tribe forever prosper!

Leroy Stephenson - 02/07/00 02:54:06
My Email:lpste11142@wans.net
How did you find us?: surfing

I really don't have any comments. I'm a caregiver and payee for a person and am looking for any help I can find on the subject before I loose my mind. That's all.

michael daniel jaeger - 02/02/00 03:42:49
My Email:none
How did you find us?: seached internet

i need to know if anyone could help me find outlets for autisic artists/ //

Anna Levine - 01/30/00 18:19:00
My Email:levi5650@rowan.edu
How did you find us?: internet search

I, along with my aunt, are searching for a suitable home for my cousin. He is 15, and is MH-- he is autistic and severely mentally disabled. He is getting violent and out of control, so that my aunt and I can no longer care for him adequately, and this rompts my search. Any info at all is greatly appreciated.

K. Evers - 01/29/00 02:28:56
My Email:Kevers@lycosmail.com
How did you find us?: search engine

I am a special education teacher and new mother dedicated to children with autism in any way I can help!

j.francis - 01/27/00 01:36:41
My URL:http://www.
My Email:balfran@aol.com
How did you find us?: surfed in

Hi! Glad to hear from others with adult sons and daughters. My son is 45 and is in a group home. He is doing very well and seems happy. I have him home every Sunday. Does anybody know the minimum amount needed to start a Special Needs Trust?? June June

John DeCatrel - 01/08/00 03:47:56
My Email:jdecatrel@mpinet.net
How did you find us?: topic search

Will stop by now and then to get/share ideas. My child is autistic. Webmaster - thanks for your efforts in maintaining this site.

lisa reilly - 01/07/00 09:24:23
My Email:bach70015
How did you find us?: searching for L'Arche


amy greenberg - 12/10/99 18:15:56
My Email:amy.greenberg@prudential.com
How did you find us?: surfing

I have a 21 month old daughter who seems to have many of the symptoms of autism, however she also has hearing problems. At what age were your children diagnosed and what steps did you take to get the diagnosis. Please respond.

Kristina - 12/09/99 02:50:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Park/3289
My Email:krislinks@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: guestbook!

Happy Holidays to you and yours :~)

Random Act of Kindness

Sean - 11/03/99 12:06:23
My URL:http://welcome.to/Tutospage
My Email:webmaster@tutospage.zzn.com
How did you find us?: Search engine

Hi people. Sounds funny but I need support to I search on Autism stuff. I love the internet and Computers. It is hard for me to do anything out there in the world cuz I am always some place else in my head. I have web sites up every where. I might not talk to you in real life but does that make me any less of a human being? I have strugled all my life with Autism I still get very mad some times. I am 17 and a Junoir in high school. I miss one on one so much I hate the Public school I am in to meny in the class room a room full of 15 to 20 kids. I have icq my # is 31664586. I would like to be your online friend. I have told alot of people that if they saw me I wouldint even talk to them becuase I have Autism and when spoken to get red from enbaressment or some times get mad. You may ask how could an Autistic kid be online? Well theres a start in every thing now isint there? I may repeat some of wwhat I said here I cant help it I always forget. I dont know if you know but this thing in Oregon there doing little kids one on one. I realy whant them to herry up so I can get in that program to help me so far thay are only doing Age 3 that is if you even know what it is bye that time. My mom said that she know that something was wrong with me at age 3 but didint know what untill a buncha tests which had takin alot of my life.I was age 10 before thay know that I had this. My mom says at least she was doing the write things by holding me down And yes there is hope for Autistic kids. It may be a shock to you but I like doing lots of stuff. I played sports 7th grade Basketball 8th Grade Basketball Did art and shop and or wood,metal plastic making things out of those. class was fun:) 10th grade I ran Cross country even though I came last in most of my race's I still finished. and I also wasted that year at home With Hep-B:Þ If you whant my Support for Hepititis B or any Hep feel free to email me or icq me dosint matter icq # is 31664586. Well now that I have had you read your eyes off I am done:) Bye.

Debbie Krebsbach - 11/02/99 21:20:35
My Email:pixinut@aol.com
How did you find us?: aol search

I work with Autistic children in the classroom. Looking for ideas and suggestions on learning.

Janice Sparks - 10/31/99 16:58:34
My Email:blondie@cqc.com
How did you find us?: internet

Looking a residential based school for my 8yr old son with autism.

- 10/28/99 18:26:29


Samantha - 10/27/99 19:50:45
My Email:GrrlBxr17@aol.com

I am looking to intern or volunteer at either a school or institute in the chicagoland area. I'm a high school senior who is eager for firsthand experience in the field that I would like to pursue. I have read countless case studies, which have inspired m dreams to be a child psychiatrist (specializing in autism), and I would like to help, and learn if possible. If you have any information, please contact me at GrrlBxr17@aol.com. Thank you....

THOMASINE PONZO DUCKETT - 10/27/99 01:02:30
How did you find us?: SEARCHING FOR HELP FOR MY HOME


LYNNA BUCK - 10/26/99 02:58:04
How did you find us?: SURFING

My brother is autistic. He is 14 years old, and just yesterday was the first time I have metioned this to another person who actually knew what I was talking about. I cannot believe how relieved I felt. WE HAVE TO GET PEOPLE EDUCATED!

Joan - 10/25/99 21:33:58
My Email:MAltobello@aol.com
How did you find us?: surfing

This is a great site and we all share the same concerns regarding housing. However,it would be most helpful if we knew what areas these people are from. I,m from Ocean City, NJ.USA and I have a 22 yr.old w/Hyperlexia/PDD

mcmullma - 10/24/99 20:47:56
My Email:mcmullma@pbac.edu
How did you find us?: google/search

I have a sister with autism. I was doing research on a school project and also to get info for my mom and myself as to what options there are when my mom and I are no longer able to care for my sister. Thanks for your informative site. Some of it was scar but so were other things I've read. It is not easy! Thanks again. Mac

- 10/22/99 23:12:19
My Email:mombilina@aol.com

I am the mother of a 23-year-old autistic son. A friend found this site and told me about it. My son is currently in a group home within an hour from home. However, I feel it is important for those of us who have our children placed in residential care o be protective of them by keeping an eye on their care.

- 10/22/99 22:36:49
My Email:mombilina@aol.com
How did you find us?: a friend surfed the web for me looking for sites on autism


Niki Kudaka - 10/18/99 21:45:34
My Email:nkudaka@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: msn.search

I have a 29 year old autistic brother who is currently being cared for by my mother. Care for him when she is no longer able to look after him has been a source of great concern for the family. This will be helpful to us for making plans for his future. Thank you.

Pattie Soltero, RN - 10/12/99 23:06:49
My Email:psoltero@elarc.org
How did you find us?: surfing


Joyce - 10/11/99 02:27:00
How did you find us?: friend

Son, Eric, 21. We're looking for housing sometime within the next year. Trying to get approved by DMR to pay for/subsidize housing. Expect to find a private placement.Your website could be helpful to a number of us parents(except I would like to know what state some of you are from. Thanks

June Werder - 10/10/99 02:10:42
My Email:xoxlittlefootxox
How did you find us?: bishinik news paper

the web sight is great ,it has alot of imformation in it . Thank You June werder

David Miedzianik - 10/01/99 10:30:38
My URL:http://freespace.virgin.net/david.mied/index.htm
My Email:kgrant5709@aol.com
How did you find us?: AOL Search

I'm 43 and I have autism. I live in Rotherham Yorkshire England. Although I'm visiting Denver, Colorado, USA, for the next 3 weeks or so. I wouldn't mind if someone could come out to visit me while I'm here. As people from the USA are usually pleased to m et people from England. My phone number here is 1-303-861-2422 I've been mentioned in books on autism. I also have 3 web-sites of my poetry and stuff on The Net. You can get my stuff by typing my surname miedzianik into search engines. AltaVista is the be t one for this. Love. David C. Miedzianik. xxxxx

Suzanne Harris - 09/29/99 15:14:55
My Email:jlaflore65@aol.com
How did you find us?: looking up Choctaw Indiana

How can I subscribe to the newspaper - cost?

Marge Gonzalez - 09/21/99 22:57:39
My Email:m32455@aol.com
How did you find us?: search

I'm happy to have found you. I'm hoping to find a really good residence for my daughter, age 20, with PDD. We live in Manhattan.

Pam Clark - 09/12/99 22:30:04
My Email:pamclark@citizens-tel.net
How did you find us?: surfing

My grandson has been diagnosed with severe Autism and I was surfing with great sucess. I would like to get some pen-pals in the future for my 23 year old daughter for support. My grandson, Christopher, was so dangerously violent he went into a foster ho e this past February. His medicine was changed and given on a regular basis (which I know my daughter had a problem with. To date Chris is still in a foster home but will soon be going home to his two sisters and mother. To see him now, no one would ha e ever believed how dangerous and violent he had been. A great big thank you for all the information.

D. A. Ward - 08/19/99 15:39:31
My Email:lilcasper@mediaone.net
How did you find us?: Looking for CILA's in all states

I am a Shared Living Companion in IL. I am considering relocating and surfing the web to locate other organizaions in the states that offer the same job opportunities. Any help on how to locate these organizations would be appreciated.

Joan Gaastra - 07/26/99 20:41:19
My Email:jgaastra@worldonline.nl
How did you find us?: Onelist


The Webmaster - 07/24/99 02:23:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/2869/index.html
How did you find us?: it's my website!

In response to the previous guestbook entry: Yes, the information on the website is applicable to people with various types of disabilities. As a parent of an adult with autism, I felt that most of the websites on autism neglected the issue of where & h w our sons & daughters would live as adults & I wanted to address that issue. I also wanted to create a forum where parents could share their ideas & experiences of what works & what doesn't work, etc. I've also included articles and links to websites t at I feel are relevant, but the information is not strictly limited to people with autism. Eventually, the theme of the website will be changed to specifically include people with other disabilities. But for now the website will remain as is (Autism Co munity), because I don't have time to make those changes.

WIllie Burton - 07/18/99 20:43:31
My Email:willie.1321.turtle@juno.com
How did you find us?: friend

Question for you does this appy to all disable people reguardless of the disability?

- 07/17/99 16:30:36


toni Weave - 07/15/99 13:43:29
My Email:Toni_weave@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: search

would like to apply for grant information for my non-profit org subsidiary division of Trinity Enterprise:vision matrix impressions. please add to email mailing list

Barbara Taylor - 07/13/99 14:19:41
My Email:fltj@mindspring.com
How did you find us?: searching the web

I have a 14 year old son who is autistic and as he grows older I am very concerned about his living arrangement and those who will be caring for him.I am very interested in locating money from somewhere to have a living area created for him and others,loc lly.Could you please send me any information that could maybe help?

Barbara Taylor - 07/13/99 14:09:34
My Email:fltj@mindspring.com
How did you find us?: searching the web


John Kropa - 06/21/99 01:51:40
My Email:N15000@aol.com
How did you find us?: Surfing

This is great for sharing ideas and experiences plus seeking help for our problems

Pat Hawk - 06/19/99 01:55:20
My Email:hawk17@mfi.net
How did you find us?: search

38 year old son with autism. Who got the Autism Society of America Presidency?

Pat Hawk - 06/19/99 01:52:06
My Email:hawk17@mfi.net
How did you find us?: search

38 year old son with autism. Who got the Autism Society of America Presidency?

kathy blanco - 06/18/99 01:31:28
My Email:kblanco@mindspring.com
How did you find us?: search

I saw this in it's infancy stages, and glad things are going with it. I have two autistic children ages 17 and 11. We are on the AGRE list, have been in over 10 studies on autism dealing with genetics, immune system funtion and so forth. I work personal y with over 100 people with autism with autism supplementation for optimal health function in autism (mannatech and immunocal) business. All have told me their connections to DPT MMR, and parents know their children. I will do everything I can to support this!! Reports out of California are frightening to me, espeically in light of evidence of yet another cluster in the silicon valley (san jose area)-All my children were born there! Time to wake up and see the children and parents dealing with this, app rently they are willing to close their eyes, because they don't live it 24 7.

kathy blanco - 06/18/99 01:30:37
My Email:kblanco@mindspring.com
How did you find us?: search

I saw this in it's infancy stages, and glad things are going with it. I have two autistic children ages 17 and 11. We are on the AGRE list, have been in over 10 studies on autism dealing with genetics, immune system funtion and so forth. I work personal y with over 100 people with autism with autism supplementation for optimal health function in autism (mannatech and immunocal) business. All have told me their connections to DPT MMR, and parents know their children. I will do everything I can to support this!! Reports out of California are frightening to me, espeically in light of evidence of yet another cluster in the silicon valley (san jose area)-All my children were born there! Time to wake up and see the children and parents dealing with this, app rently they are willing to close their eyes, because they don't live it 24 7.

Milton Blackstone - 06/15/99 23:59:29
My Email:milton@sciti.com
How did you find us?: lurking

I have been an active participant on this list for sometime (when my computer or ISP isn't acting up) and feel it has the potential to serve a very needed purpose. As the father of a 41 year-old blind/autistic/non-verbal young man who resides with me and my wife, we are concerned about his future living rrangements when we are no longer able (or around) to care for him. His unique physical impairments make it doubly difficult for him to acclimate to new or lesser surroundings. An equally important concern, is the attendent care he requires. Hopefully, we will eventually find someone who will take on this responsibility in caring manner, and who might appreciate the quality of life his Special Needs Trust may provide. Having been actively involved in California (and New York,) I am keenly aware of the oning and other local restrictions imposed on living arrangements for non-related individuals, however, my experience has proven that these can be overcome given the right rationale. I would be most eager to hear from any other parents of a similarly impaired child and would be pleased to exchange experiences.

Rita Rivera - 05/28/99 15:51:43
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/GaiaWay/peace_cuchy/index.html
My Email:cuchy40@mailexcite.com
How did you find us?: searching and searching

thanks so much.....

Tom Damour - 05/24/99 18:08:07
My Email:TDUCG@juno.com
How did you find us?: Internet

I am a full-time aid for a teenage boy with autism. I work with him in the local Jr. High School. I am always looking for ways to teach him more about verbal and written skills. Any suggestions. Thanks

Betty Peterson - 05/22/99 21:45:11
My URL:http://www.our-kids.org/OKAdults/
My Email:elizabetpe@aol.com
How did you find us?: searching for links to OKA

Hey David, I searched Altavista for references to Our-Kids-Adults and found your article! Is it OK if I put it on our housing site?

Terry - 05/14/99 02:46:18
My URL:http://www.herbalife.com
My Email:hrb4life@iglobal.net
How did you find us?: Surf

If we can help, please call upon us!

John Vochsky - 05/14/99 01:52:07
My Email:blue@aol.com
How did you find us?: internet

Very interesting program.

Donna Brookes - 04/30/99 06:58:19
My Email:sjbrookes@bigpond.au
How did you find us?: aspergers

hi, my name is Donna from Sydney australia. Our 8 year old son has just been diagnosed with aspergers syndrome. Trying to learn as much as I can to help him. thanks.

Tara Coulson - 04/29/99 03:31:38
My Email:vannest@mindspring.com
How did you find us?: Search Engine


Sue LeLievre - 04/15/99 17:37:25
My Email:bokie100@aol.com
How did you find us?: Searched under autism

I am helping a neighbor with their 12 year old autistic son. We are concerned with care for him when he becomes older. Your site was a great help. Thanks.

Tyrone Kelly - 04/11/99 21:53:30
My URL:http://www.newhopelife.org
My Email:newhope@centex.net
How did you find us?: surfing

We have a Ranch for Mentally handicapped adults. New Hope Ranch. There needs to be more sites like this for parents and families. Thank you for your site. Ty Kelly

Minucha Strassfeld - 03/21/99 07:05:54
My Email:strassfeld@juno.com
How did you find us?: through web ring

I am a speech language pathologist with a particular interest in PDD and autism. I have found your site to be very informative, and am enjoying looking around for information and insights. Thanks much!

Laura - 03/16/99 17:26:01
My URL:http://millennium.fortunecity.com//tulip/484/birth.htm?nocache=921560441
My Email:lopauropa@aol.com

my son is 10 years old. he has autism

Teresa Trimble - 03/02/99 23:19:42
My Email:Ttrim@aol.com
How did you find us?: FEAT online newsletter

I am the mother of a 6 year boy with PDD and dev delays and I am very interested in seeing what the future may hold for my son in term of living arrangements. thanks for setting this up

Jack Kyne - 03/01/99 14:34:29
My Email:keakadog@msn.com
How did you find us?: surfing and blind luck!

What a great site! I am the widowed father of a 37 year old daughter with moderate to severe autism and severe language deficits who lives in a supported life situation with an apartment mate. She is supported 24 hours a day, but does not have a job at th moment. I am a past president(1975)of the Autism Society of America and currently serve on the Board of Directors of Jay Nolan Community Services, the organization which provides support services to my daughter. I am a life-long(Kelly's) advocate and cur ently the track facilitator for the Options for Adulthood and Independence track ,which will be a part of the Annual Conference of the Autism Society of America,and which will convene in Kansas City this July. Those wishing more information can go to the ASA web-site.

Yolande - 02/25/99 15:51:12
My URL:http://www.angelefire.com/tx2/donald
My Email:yold2@gte.net
How did you find us?: crusing

Hello I am raising my grandson Donald who is 16 years old and as autism. we live in the Dallas TX area I love you site. email us please

Kathy Neeley - 02/20/99 09:31:06
My Email:kaneeley@sprynet.com
How did you find us?: Severe Autism List

I am interested in every way I can help my son reach his highest potential in life. I realize that will only happen if Steve (my husband) and I keep working at this. Good teachers come and go. One cannot depend on your school district. We can only dep nd on us. I worry about where my son will be within the next 8-10 years, or before if necessary. I worry about what will happen if we can nolonger handle our son. Patrick is 14 1/2 and a strong healthy kid. I am looking forward to sharing, and meeting people like myself. I know we aren't alone in this plight. God bless us all!

Laurie James - 02/18/99 15:48:07
My Email:laurjames@aol.com
How did you find us?: Glenn Vatter

Wonderful idea and connection. Working on developing information on creative housing for individuals with developmental disabilies this site will be a valuable asset for families.

Webmaster - 02/15/99 22:39:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~raynmom
My Email:raynmom@geocities.com

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