Articles by Members of the Autism Community
written by & for members of the Autism Community Home Page
Articles on Other Websites
- Coffelt Settlement Brings New Living Options The Coffelt Settlement has brought new residential options to individuals with extensive medical needs. In November of last year Ms. Aurora Santiago, a Registered Nurse, opened Ana's Home, the first Intermediate Care Facility - Developmentally Disabled Nursing (ICF-DDN) in Golden Gate Regional Center's catchment area. Six women, ages twenty-five to fifty-two now make Ana's their home.
- Forest Haven Is Gone, But the Agony Remains The District of Columbia's elaborate system of group homes perpetuates horror, exploitation and abuse
- Group Home is Family for Mentally Retarded Men David and Mary Demps were living a comfortable life in the tiny West Tennessee town of Ripley when they were asked to take a 50 percent pay cut, surrender their freedom and privacy, and move into a home with eight mentally retarded men.
- Handbook for Guardians Guardianship / Conservatorship laws as they apply in the state of Oklahoma
- Ohio Revised Code, Section 5123.58 An agency providing protective services under contract with the department of mental retardation and developmental disabilities may be nominated under any of the following conditions as guardian, trustee, protector, conservator, or as trustee and protector of a mentally retarded or developmentally disabled person...
- Recycled Flowers Help Disabled Blossom The flowers left behind at a church after a young couple marries or a grandfather dies have provided James Knutson with his best job ever. Knutson is one of the first employees of the Flower Exchange, a pilot project begun to train developmentally disabled adults to be floral assistants. He turns used but still attractive flowers into new arrangements, or crumbles others into potpourri.
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