I have decided to expand my tank setups to a back storage room in the basement, this room already had wood shelving whch I have reinforced with 2x4's to help carry the added weight of the tanks most of which will be 10 gal.'s with a couple of 20's and 30's if space permits.
I spent most of
the summer adding bit to the fish room to make things a bit easier
to maintain,I have no drilled tanks,but a 30 gal. water holding
tank," holds water for a day or two of aging,plus any chemical
alteration I might care to do. and can be pumped to each tank
through 1/2' pvc pipe.Draining /cleaning is acomplished by Python,
connected to a sink just outside of the fishroom.
The top left shelf has four ,10gal.tanks ,top right three 10gal. + one 5.5 gal . the bottom left has a 30 gal., bottom right three 10gal. + space for a brineshrimp hatcher, or a 2.5 gal.tank.
Lighting on top is supplied by two 4' shop lights connected to a timer, and on the bottom by left over hood strip lights ,also on the same timer.
Here is the other side of my fish room that
has been under construcion during the summer of year 2000,
I have made a stand of 2x4's to hold some of my 10gal. tanks. It holds 6 10's and has left over room for 3 (5 1/2 gal.) tanks if necessary.
The north side of the room has
yet another bank of tanks ,on the
second shelf, I currently have 1 (30 gal).
, and 1 (10 gal.) ,on the top will be 4 more
10's, and my small brine shrimp hatchery.