Shaking The Branches:

Genealogical History of

Bolender & Shinkle Ancestry

Resource of Bolender and Shinkle Genealogy
Spaulding-Dawson Website
Sandy Barber's Website
Achim Bolender's Website
Brother to Heinz Bolender
Diane Green-
Researcher for Shinkle/Bolender
Click SURNAMES, then Click SHINKLE FOR 300 entries and click BOLENDER for 80 entries.
Wanda (Shinkle) Friis
(leading researcher of the Schenkel (Shinkle) families)
Harold G. Miller (Genealogist)
5820 Price Road
Milford, Ohio  45150-1425
Mr. Miller has done extensive research over the years compiling a booklet titled, BEGINNINGS OF THE FAMILY OF PETER AND (MARIA) BARBARA BOLENDER. I have a copy of the (3rd edition).
Carl Catherman (Genealogist)
906 Market Street
Mifflinburg, Pennsylvania 17844
Mr. Catherman has done extensive work over the years on several family lineages including Johann Adam Bolender, 1700s, Pennsylvania.
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