Vintage Steiff Animal (50s/60s):

'Gaty' Alligator--green and tan w/green dorsal, round tag on neck (SOLD)

Bambi (SOLD)--brown w/white spots, no tag

Another picture of Bambi

Steiff? Camel--light brown wool plush, velvet face & legs, sewn in tag

Collie (SOLD)--tan and brown, sitting, ear button w/ribbon #3312.90

Another picture of Collie

'Bessie' Cow (SOLD)--tan and orange w/ red collar and bell, remnant of tag on collar

'Brosus' Dinosaur--mottled gray, orange dorsal, no tag

Pair of Ducks-- one tan, brown & blue w/orange bill & legs (small), Steiff button on wing, no tag; other yellow/tan w/orange bill & legs, no tag

'Flossy' Fish (SOLD) --orange, brown and tan, round tag on side

'Froggy' Frog (SOLD)-- green and tan velvet, round tag on neck, needs minor repair on leg

'Hexie' Dachshund-- brown, round tag on collar

'Jocko' Monkey--dark brown and tan, no tag

'Snobby' Poodle (SOLD)-- grey w/moveable legs, ear button w/faded ribbon, no tag on red collar

Lamb-- white w/blue ribbon and bell, no tag

'Crabby' Lobster-- orange (small) w/pipe cleaner legs (one missing); round tag on claw

'Pieps' Mouse (SOLD)-- tan, ear button w/remnant ribbon

Another picture of 'Pieps'

'Peggy' Penguin (SOLD)--gray, tan, black w/orange bill, no tag

Another picture of 'Peggy'

Woolie Birds--brown, yellow, blue w/plastic legs, one with ribbon on leg #6508.44

Rabbit--brown, black, tan w/mauve ribbon and bell, round tag ‘Original Steiff' on collar

'Raccy' Raccoon (SOLD)--tan, neck jointed, no tag

Another picture of 'Raccy'

'Renny' Reindeer (SOLD)--tan w/antlers, round tag on neck

Skunk (SOLD)--black and white, ear button w/partial ribbon

'Slo' Turtle (SOLD)-- tan w/plastic shell, Steiff button on shell, round label on neck

'Perri' Squirrel (SOLD)--(Disney), brown and tan, round tag on neck, ear button w/ribbon #4312.03

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