Welcome to my Guestbook! Thank you for leaving your comments. Please remember that I frequently update my page so visit it again soon!!

06/07/99 21:59:48
Name: Todd My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Location: Howell Michigan
How you found this page: playing ya-hoo Euchre

Hi Great page we meet pl;aying cards [*__*] Todd

06/06/99 21:30:33
Name: Lee Ann Bruce My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Location: Torrance, CA
How you found this page: you gave me the site

Hi sweetie, you are a great euchre player and have put together a wonderful homepage. Hope to see you again.

05/27/99 23:29:57
Name: Lance My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Location: Louisville, KY.
How you found this page: webring

Hi, Crystal-Lynn, love your Elmo pics and I loved reading about your family! Congrats on your wedding! My page has lots of Elmo pics, too!

05/25/99 21:25:59
Name: mr bear My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Location: you know where
How you found this page: my wife rocks..

tis a great page but i think it needs more taz...lol

05/18/99 01:01:12
Name: Dad
My URL: Visit Me

I Like those Limousine's

05/18/99 00:12:06
Name: Micheal My URL: Visit Me
Location: Brantford How you found this page: icq (Crystal)

its was good looks like u put a lot of effort into it

05/17/99 22:24:17
Name: Mousey
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hEY you WOOOHOOOO love your bestest friend Brenners

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