Smileyface's Elmo and Fun Page

Always Under Construction

Hi there...Welcome to my page. As you can see, it is still under construction. This is my first page so I am trying to take my time creating it. This page is going to be all about me...Everything I love and enjoy so much. That includes all my friends and family! I love all the people on my page very much, just as much as Elmo loves Zoe! If you can't tell already, I am a complete Elmo freak! Who says we can't all be kids forever? LOL...I hope you come back to see my page soon. I will frequently add new things to my page! See you next time! Please sign my guestbook and tell me how I am doing on my page!

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Well, I think I best begin by introducing myself. My name is Crystal-Lynn. I live in Ontario Canada and I am 20 years old. I love to play the piano just like Elmo and I also play the Tenor Saxophone.

I was just recently married on Saturday February 20, 1999. Here is a latest picture of me taken with my hubby Joe...He is also my bestest friend in the whole world. "Joe and I on our Wedding Day"

If you would like to see Joe at his best..hee "Joe at his best"

Joe and I have just recently found out on September 9, 1999 that we are expecting our first child. We are due to have our little treasure on May 7, 1999. Here is our first picture of our little one!!! "Baby Davies"

Joe works for MICROVISIONS. MICROVISIONS is a well know and respected computer company. A link to MICROVISIONS website can be found on all MICROSOFT, IBM and DIAMONDS websites. To make things easier, visit "MICROVISIONS"

I have one sister. Her name is Caryn. She is 15 years old and we are very close. This picture was taken The Christmas of 1997. "My Sister and I"

My sister lives with my mother and my mother's boyfriend Bill. This picture is of all of them, Dudley our doggy (God rest his soul) and me on my wedding day. "Mom, Caryn, Bill and Dudley"

"Meet my father, John" My father lives with his girlfriend and her son. My father owns Hallmark Limousine, a limousine service (obviously). Please visit my Dad's page to see what Hallmark Limousine has to offer. "Why Drive - Make Life A Celebration"

As some of you may know, Elmo has a pet goldfish that he loves very much. Well, Joe and I have a Black Lab named Bear. He is 5 years old and is very well trained. Bear can sneeze on command. He is absolutely adorable...See for yourself!! "Bear Bear"

I also think I should introduce to you, Joe's mother and step-father. These two "goof balls" have become a big part of my life. Meet Inez and Stanley "Us and Joe's Family"

I have two God Children that I hold very dear to my heart. They are Christopher (5) and Daniel (3). Here we are at Daniel's Baptism...April, 1998. "My God Children"

"Meet Kevin". One of our bestest friends and our best man, Kevin is a really cool friend. He is on the right in the picture. He is single if you are interested ladies. (hee hee). I JUST FOUND OUT (July 6)KEVIN IS GOING TO BE AN UNCLE....CONGRATS KEV...WE ARE HAPPY FOR YOU!!!!!!

While I was in school studying to be a Pastry Chef, I met two very special friends. They are both nuts and I love them. Meet "Adam and Ginny"

Besides Adam and Ginny, Magda is my best long time friend...I have known Magda since Grade 5..that makes it 10 years now. This picture is from our Grade 8 graduation. "Life Time Friends"

I have many cyber friends that mean the world to me. Some are shy and don't want me to put their pics on my page, while others want their "mug shots" plastered everywhere! ( hee hee ). Many of my friends I have met in our "Days Of Our Lives Fan Club" chat in Yahoo...the others I have met in Euchre or ICQ. Mousey and Teddy Bear, Princess Mouse, Junior, Gingerbread, Nolivier, Red, Piazza, Siksika, Gabonepio, Hookmup, Joshua, Nukles, Fiesty....and all the others I love dearly too...this is for you! Please "stay tuned"...I plan to capture many more pics of my cyber friends. ( hee hee )

"Our Internet Family" Mousey is the bestest friend a person could ask for. She is funny, pretty and she is a walking dictionary...hee hee. Her hubby Teddybear is exactly what he sounds like. He is big, friendly and full of love for his family and friends. Their (or should I say our..hee hee) baby girl is SO COMPLETELY COOL. She is learning to be one true little Elmo Girl "Teddy Bear and Mousey's Homepage"

"Princess Mouse" This is my cyber Mother. I will one day meet her so that I can hold the lady that I love so much in my arms. This lady is so kind and caring. Her real children are really lucky to have her. This is for you Mom!! (The two dogs in this picture with my mom are, moms dog Molly and mom's sister's dog too)

"Junior"is yet another very special friend of mine. Not only is he goodlooking, smart and single (hint hint ladies) but he is funny too. A perfect class A gentleman. (Just don't tell him I said that!!).

"Siksika's Mug Shot" This Lady is amazing. Always there to help. This is for you Siks...and Savage Garden!

"Hook and Babbalicious" These two are crazy. ( Babb is in the back )There is always an adventure to be found if Hook and Babb are around!! ( Married and Flirting?? )

"Gab (left) and Hook" Yet another amazing friend and listener. Not to mention she has a "Boddacious Bootie". The name Gab explains it, always ready to chat and have fun!!

"DJFLASHYFLASH (left) and Hook" LMSO (remember Hook I said this first!)....Hook again! We gotta love her...maybe she will meet me next! (hint hint)

"Joshua" This guy is a great friend. Not to mention an amazing Euchre player....Just look out for when he pays the dealer to stack the deck in his favour!

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