Music is "Englishman in New York" by Sting.

Elissa - Writer, Musician, Cat Lover

"Be yourself, no matter what they say."

Basic Facts

My name is actually pronounced like "Elisa," not rhyming with "Melissa". I'm 42, single, and live in Chicago. In 2000, I completed my Masters degree in Human Services Administration.

To complete it, I wrote a 75-page paper on how computer use could be expanded to reach those who are still doing so because of their income, lack of proficiency, fear, or whatever. After I won an award for this paper, I became motivated me to work on web pages.

Other interests include singing, playing mandolin, reading, learning new things and getting out of established patterns, if needed to do so. Creativity is my major passion: I love visiting new places (on the web and in real life). I tend to be fascinated by people who may be very different than me in other ways if they also are involved in the arts or self-improvement. There's so much to experience in life.


I work for a large governmental agency, where I assess medical offices' compliance to federal guidelines and help them improve their performance. I like my job because it gives me the chance to do strategic planning, conduct trainings and make presentations.


Until a few years ago, my career had been comprised of social service jobs, including working with battered women, homeless persons, conducting HIV/AIDS street outreach and prevention workshops, foster children who have been abused or neglected by their natural parents. I spent four years working in a Welfare-to-Work job training program in a public housing project, and am relieved to be out of direct social services. It is needed, but very emotionally draining to do. In essence, it's like being a parent, attorney, and therapist to a caseload of adults (some more adult than others!) Yet,I hope all of my former clients are doing well (or at least, are not in any major crises).

I used to be about 110 lbs. heavier, but lost weight over the past few years. I jsut resumed biking, which I had not done since 1977 - inspired by Lance Armstrong. Unlike the stationary machines, you're actually getting somewhere.

Click here for my writing background.

Click here for my musical history and activities.


I have two cats. Harry (the big cat in front) was born in May, 2003 and showed up at my place on Sept. 21, 2003. He was stuck in the tree outside my place. Once I got him down, I figured I'd let him stay. He's Salvador's friend and wrestling buddy. Salvador was adopted from a shelter on 6/13/06. I don't think he realizes that his coloring is similar to Harry's. His name is Spanish for "savior"; I chose that name because his role was to save Harry from loneliness after Taylor's death. He's doing a fine job!

Taylor was 8 years old when he died on 1/6/06 after becoming ill for reasons unknown. I and the vets went through superhuman efforts to save his life, but it did not work out. He was a stray also. He arrived in July, 1998.


For three months, I had three cats. My oldest cat, Anne, was adored and at times, endured, by me from 5/27/84 (six weeks after her birth) until her death on 12/24/03. She loved eating chicken, sitting on my shoulder, sharing the upper right corner of the bed (or my pillow when she was extra-pushy, which she was!), my singing, and socializing with people. (But not with other cats.) It's hard to fully believe that she's gone.

Try to stay upbeat!

Email me!

In 2003, I was the manager of a classical pianist, my friend Anatoliy Torchinskiy. Hear him play at Anatoliy's Page.

This page was last updated on 9/3/06.