When an elderly aunt of mine died, we were asked to give her dog a home.
Angelique (not our choice for a name) is a West Highland Terrier
and was 6 years old at the time.
She had led a very pampered existence as queen of the household.

A Dog's Tale
My former mistress died,
She was 80 years old,
And before I knew it,
I was headed down the road.
With a very nice lady,
Who was kind of strange to me,
But in the car she chatted
And told me what I'd see.
We soon arrived at her house
And the first thing that I saw,
Was a kid out in the driveway,
Playing with a ball.
This might just work, I told myself,
And I nosed around the yard.
Then squirrels raced across the grass,
And I put up my guard.
Into the house she took me,
And I was very shocked!
Four cats lived there! Oh me, oh my,
Oh how my body rocked!
Well, I soon learned what claws are like
And to beware of haunches raised.
The cats and I now get along,
My family is amazed!
by ch (cawamn)


since Nov.'98