You Are Not Old
Age is a quality of mind
If you have left your dreams behind,
If hope is cold,
If you no longer look ahead
If your ambitions' fires are dead-
Then you are old.
But if from life you take the best,
And if in life you keep the jest,
If love you hold;
No matter how the years go by,
No matter how the birthdays fly-
You are not old.

~by Iris Hesselden~
You will never be old
With a twinkle in your eye,
With the Springtime in your heart
As you watch the Winter fly.
You will never be old
While you have a smile to share,
While you wonder at mankind
And you find the time to care.
While there's magic in your world
And a special dream to hold,
While you still can laugh at life,
You never will be old.