Full Window for easy printing
Table of Contents
Part One: Basics
1.1 Types of files
1.2 Transferring Files
Part Two: Importing Recipes
2.1 Adding Recipes
2.2 Import Formats
2.3 Unformatted text [MC II & MAC]
2.4 Unformatted text [MC 3.0 & 4.0]
2.5 Formatted text
2.6 Recipes from e-mail
2.7 Recipes as attachments
2.8 Downloaded recipes
2.9 Complete cookbooks
Part Three: Exporting Recipes
3.1 Sharing MasterCook recipes
3.2 MasterCook export formats
3.3 Exporting recipes
3.4 Sending recipes via e-mail
3.5 Sending as attachments
3.6 Uploading complete cookbooks
Part Four: What went wrong?
4.1 Cannot import recipes
4.2 Recipes import incorrectly
4.3 Cannot export recipes
Appendix A: MPX Format
Appendix B: MAC Format
Appendix C: Generic Format
Appendix D: Supported Formats
Appendix E: Import Results Window
Appendix F: Exporting from Meal Master