
Suicidal is a punk, an ugly punk. He has a thin 2 inch mohawk, tatto's all over his body including one of a sword on the side of his head with the inscription "Her funeral, My trial". He wears an old tatty leather jacket(heavy leather vest) which is covered in patches of various bands.Other than that jacket you never see him out of his old jeans and punk tshirts which are so old you are amazed they stay on his shoulders. The Claw Hammer he carries looks like he found it at the dump, old and paint spattered it could of come out of any toolbox, but the years of use have made it a trustworthy weapon and a dangerous one.  When he enters the arena he doesn't ignore the crowd or officials he just doesn't notice them, he had to get out of bed for this, special, and he just
wants to get it over with so he can go and party. The music that plays when he enters the ring is "The Misfits-Die, Die, My Darling" but he didn't pick this, it was just picked for him by some enterprising arena official or roadie for all he knows.