
The world is not as it seems, the USSR is still intact, slavery is more popular than ever, and strangly united states governments are blind to it all. Hundreds of russian slave camps provide small country's soldiers. There goal is to crush modern day government and create one socialist nation. To do this they raise people in these camps and train them to fight until they are 22, they are kept oblivious to the outside world and only know how to kill and follow orders.

Russian slaves are there biggest export and they make massive amounts of money. They use this money to pay-off opposingforces and fund wars thru out the world. By funding war they hope that the other nations will become weak and will easily be over taken. The only problem is the United States. If they knew about what was going on they would surely put an end to it. The russians plan is to have Canada,Mexico, and Greenland attack simultaneously.

This is where Dolph comes in. He was raised in camp 4077. He is now on a ship to Canada to join the battle against the U.S. There is another group running out of south africa with contacts in scandonavia and the U.K. The R.F.W opposes the modern ussr and any one who cooperates with them. The R.F.W knows of the attack on the U.S and plans to stop it. As Dolphs ship nears the east coastof canada he hears the roar of a jet passing over head and suddenly a big explosion.

There are several more explosions before the commanding officer comes into his barracks and orders them to get on deck and fight. Before he is even out of his room another missile hits its target and the ship begins to take on water. Dolph grabs his high powered machine gun and arrives on deck. There are several jets circiling above and another battle ship to the east. As Dolph surveys the situation another explosion sounds and suddenly he is in the water.  Dazed by the blast he searches for his gun, it seems he droped it when the missile hit. A black raft with several R.F.W troops drifts behind him. "Get in a" a voice yells. Dolph turns around to see the men and being ordered to kill he does just that. He reaches for his side arm and oppenes fire. There lives bieng in danger the R.F.W men shoot back, wounding Dolph in the right arm and chest. Dolph blacks out and sinks into the water.

He wakes up in a strange bed with bandeges on his chest and arm. "Hello!" he yells. a short man with a thin mustach runs into his room "ah your awake, Welcome to nexus.""What is Nexus?"he thinks, but he has been trained not to ask questions.

"Youre probably wondering what nexus is right?"
"Well yes..."
"It is a world like any other, in principle. There are infinate  islands and
you are one the main one. O, and you are no longer a slave you are free to do what you wish."
"All i know how to do is fight."
"Well thats perfect you can join the Nexus league. It's basiclly fighting for a living."
"But where shall I live?"

The old man smiles a toothy grin "I was hoping you would ask. You shall live hear in my dojo with me.Indochina."
"That sounds all well and good but a little to good to be true."
"It will all make sense in time. you just relax for now and I will fill out the apropriate papers and you will be up and fighting in now time. O, I almost forgot you will need weapons an armor. come  with me."

Indochina and Dolph enter a small room with many swords and other melee weapons."Take youre pick!" Dolph scansthe room.

"Hmm those giant claws look nice!"
"Then giant claws it is, And you will need this leather vest for armor. Tomorrow we will train."