My name is Richard Thank you for visiting my page...  I was born not far from here, Shawinigan just outside the city, St-Gérard-des-Laurentides...  At 5 years old in 52, I went to Connecticut USA, with my parents, and lived 30 years there...  Did 12 grades of school, 8 in Lincon School West Haven, 1 in North Haven Juinor High, finishing in 3 years North Haven High School in the class of 1966...
In 1963, I broken neck at 16 years old, swimming, dove to near the bank and hit bottom in the Shawinigan river while visiting one summer...
Married in 1967 the first time as a Catholic with Lillie, and had 4 beautiful boys... Also had computer programming school, 1˝ years of Saturdays... Then a bit later I broke my pelvis on motorcycle in 1970...  Had to learn how to walk for the 3rd time in my life, but thank God I did...  Did a little driving, welding, computer operating, carpentry, but mostly worked as an auto & truck doctor...  

I really believed in Jesus and was baptised in 29-7-73 me and my 1st. wife Lillie at West Woods Bible Chapel... But did not become active, and involved in church regularly  untill my 1st wife decided to leave me and my four boys 5 to 11 years old, around 1979.
I won't go into that story, we both had responsabilties in that... Then is when I said, Lord Ok I'm yours I will follow you and I did and He blessed me with the costady of the boys and after 3 years another beautiful and wonderful wife...
   Came back to my roots here in Shawinigan, and stayed, in 1983. I never took enough time to learn to write french well, but I could always speak it.. My wife Micheline can do both well, but french is her 1st.
She was a young christian in the Lord, but new her bible, and we were married with both of our churches blessing, Her's being here in Shawinigan-Sud, and mine in East haven Conn. USA. My pastor being Al Gerard and pastor Terry Ribble, who married us in June 4 of 1983 in Shawinigan-Sud in our present church...  What a family in Jesus we have all around the world...

Now remember, me with 4 young boys, coming from an other country, what a wife, What an awsome God...  We believe that the Bible is God's inspired word
which has helped us tremendously through our trials. We would like to share them with you, God willing. Feel free to contact us, and or sign our Gestbook...

Sure we had trials but we were both close to the Lord and each other and the Lord guided us through the purchase and lost of a business, a 6 bay garage & gas station...  Also house which we both bought... The lost of both of our fathers, and more painful yet, my 19 years old son, our second son died in a motocycle accident in 1989.... How do people go through trials without the Lord, I'll never know, Hey.  But He does carry us through and gives us the strength we need, not a minute before or after... 

Worked up to 1996, and now can't stand to long or walk to far, weakened, leg and back cramps and frequent headache... But praise the Lord, he doesn't want me up there yet... Still have some more work to do for him... So if you wish, pray that I stay in his light and do only his will...  Of course good works don't save us, we just have to believe in Jesus and what He did for us on the cross...
My wife also has had to stop working due to heart problem, and asthma...  We consider ourselves blessed, when we take the time to think about all we have around us that we so often take for granted...  Miche  Gives Bible studies to a few woman, and we have Prayer meetings at our home...  There is alway something we can do if we want, when health permits...

We attend Eglise Evangelique Baptiste de Shawinigan-Sud. ,  a french church, and I also have a page that explains in english our churches and our beliefs, above in our links, you are welcome to visit...  We were active members, me a deacon, Miche the secretary, back when our health permitted...  We still try to do what we can...
I am not in much pain anymore, which isn't that bad to often... He gave me wonderful wife, wheel chair, this computer, a road to follow, inherited my Dad's house, 2 bay garage and tools, and so much more, I'm thankful and praise God we have all we need...
I play taxi driver for my Mom and friends when they need & I can, and God bless me... In my Yahoo picture album is my new van that was given to me as a gift and also equiped with a wheel chair lift to load my electric wheel ch
air... My electric wheel chair was also a gift and is a big help for me to get around on my own... It is not a new chair, but was able to fix it up just fine... I was also given a new manual wheel chair before that... From a very dear person in my life that God put on my path... and I on her's so she says...
God knows all and can do all... I also thank the Lord for my sons...  They were all hard workers and good boys... Our 3 sons are all married and given us 4 grand-children (3 girls and 1 boy)... My oldest, Ricky lives near by with one of my grandaughter and he and his wife r a great help to us... The other 2 r far but r a blessing too when they visit... God surely looks after his children... My 2 youngest and their wifes are baptised and saved, and are still praying for my oldest to see the light...

I will be adding a french page to my story for my french friends and brothers and sisters in my church...  It is mostly french here in Shawinigan... It says pretty much the same as this page in English...  Check out my links for my pictures album and more important, the good christian links...  There are lots of tools that I use and enjoy daily...  Like listening to the Bible and or reading, Gateway to the Bible or Bibles, in many languages too, the salvation plan and good sermons too...

I love you, O lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliver; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:1-2 (NIV)  All this is for His one & only glory...

Thank you again for taking the time to read.... (:-))