Ridge of Cedar


             We are located in the heart of the beautiful Ozarks, in Rolla, Missouri. We have been upgrading our dairy herd for about 6 years now, and have one of the finest herds in the state. We have Oberhaslis, Saanens, Toggenburgs, Alpines, Nubians, and La Manchas. All are purebred and very nice.
              We have just begun building our meat goat herd and have two very nice Boer bucks and seven does.
              We also have exotic breeds; such as Fainting Goats and Pygmies.
              We are very proud of the work we have accomplished in improving the pedigrees of each and every goat on our farm.
               The  Shetland Sheep are now onboard, we have one nice ram, and four ewes, each a different color.
              We now have the Pygoras, they are quite nice and can be seen by clicking on "Pygoras."
Ridge of Cedar proudly announces the addition of two new members to our "family." Autumn Rain (Rainy) and Chase, they are of course Llamas and may be seen by clicking "LLamas" below.

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Fainting Goats

Pygmy Goats




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