This Page is all About Me...
I was born on April 14th, 1969 in Iowa. My real name is Leslie. I got the nickname Woozy in grade school. I think I said something to the effect of, "I am feeling sooo woozy!" Well, my dear childhood friends picked up on this and I went through all my school years with the lovable nickname of Woozy. Yes, they even had some wonderful variations they came up with, such as Woozer, Woozmop, etc., etc. You can imagine many more I am sure! Anyway, it stuck and I figured it is a good name to go by on the internet.

I met my husband, Ethan, in high school. We were sort of high school sweethearts. We didn't actually start dating until he was out of high school. I was a junior. I had a crush on him since I was in the 10th grade! He had a crush on me since I was in 7th! I don't know what took us so long to get together but I think it worked out for the best the way it happened!

Eventually, we were married. We were quite young I guess. I was 19 and he was 21. We were married September 24th, 1988. A year or so after I graduated from high school.
Here is a photo of us coming down the aisle as husband and wife! Boy were we happy! As you can see by the photo Ethan is a foot taller than me. I am 5' even. Well, it has been nearly eleven years since we have been married and we are pretty darn proud of that fact! We are quite happy and you can definitely say my temper never scared him off!

I better make mention of the fact that my dear mother made my wedding dress. I sewed hundreds of teeny little seed pearls on the lace edging. Anyway, my mom is an excellent seamstress. She made three of my bridesmaids dresses also. She also made both my sisters wedding dresses.

Ethan and I had our first son in November of 1990. We had our second son in April of 1992. They have brought us much joy!

We live in the state of Minnesota and have for nearly seven years. We love the winters here and the beautiful scenery. I think we have decided to stay here forever!

I love cats and have three. The oldest is Keeley. She is a calico. Tigger is the middle cat and is a black and gray tiger striped. Then there is the baby, Sharkie. He is a gorgeous cat! He is brown, black, tan and striped. Heres is a photo of him... Just click on his photo and you can visit my page about my pets.
I love to travel too and hope to do more of that in the future! I have a travel page you can check out. Just click on the picture of the lighthouse and it will take you there! I hope to do more exploring in Minnesota and add photos of the sites we see. Here is my favorite place I have visited in Minnesota! It is Split Rock Lighthouse. It is located on Lake Superior north of Two Harbors, Minnesota.
Click on the MINNESOTA banner to visit my new Minnesota site! So far I have lots of links to sites with info on Split Rock Lighthouse. I plan to keep looking for more items of interest having to do with Minnesota and adding them to the page. If you know of something interesting about Minnesota e-mail me and I will add it to my Minnesota Page.
I also love to cook. You can visit my recipe page by clicking on the picutre of chocolate chip cookies. You will find lots of recipes, a message board for posting your favorite recipes and I also have a recipe of the day link. You can also post recipes there if you like! Remember to bookmark my site and come back everyday to get the recipe of the day!
Another of my favorite pastimes is playing games. I also enjoy playing them online. My favorite games are ones having to do with trivia. Click on the banner to play Trivia Blitz. It's free and you can win money too. Just play the round of trivia questions and when you are finished click on register and then you can play other fun games such as Bingo Blitz and Picture this. You can also chat with other players.
I also love shopping!!! I have discovered online shopping and I love it! I can take my time to browse and I don't have to deal with pushy sales people! It is a great way to find many unique things. The best part is that when it is someone's birthday or another gift giving holiday, all I have to do is go online and order something and have it shipped directly to them. In many cases they will even gift wrap the present for you! That really saves me time! You can check out my online shopping mall by clicking on the banner below!
Well, I guess that is enough about me for now! I hope you will take a look around my site. Keep checking back for new updates!