- 09/28/00 23:28:04
Nicole Volk - 06/14/00 19:39:16
My Email:njvolk@frontiernet.net
Thought I'd give you your weekly bugging....to put your update picture up....Girl, how long has everyone been waiting?!
Cassie - 05/26/00 21:01:36
My URL:http://expage.com/page/myweightlosssite
My Email:Crazygal87@aol.com
What is your favorite movie?: Dirty Dancing
What is your favorite hobby?: Dancing
What do you think of my web page?: It's great!
This is a great site. Keep up the good work!
Little bucket - 05/24/00 06:14:44
My Email:fiddy@ime.net
What is your favorite hobby?: PC
What do you think of my web page?: a joy to visit
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: very nice
You do a great job,keep up the good work.
kathy & liz - 05/11/00 03:15:41
where's the new "after" pic? c'mon, we are dying to see it!
Callie Marie Benefield - 05/10/00 03:12:23
My Email:callieb@webtv.net
What is your favorite movie?: The Fox and the Hound ;)
What is your favorite hobby?: I LOVE to do it all!!!!
What do you think of my web page?: AWESOME!
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: Woozy, it's great! I really haven't looked through it all yet, but I liike it a lot so far!
Good Job Sweetie! I'll sed you my website when I get it up and runnning. BUT, don't compare it to this one!!!! I'm NEW!!!!
Marcia - 04/29/00 21:45:11
My URL:/marseeya
My Email:marseeya@usa.net
What is your favorite movie?: I don't have just one
What is your favorite hobby?: reading and writing
What do you think of my web page?: wonderful! inspiring!
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: Well, ya gotta start somewhere
Somebody sent me the URL to your site because she saw that I was starting the North diet... I am so glad she did! Your success is very inspirational to me.
Keep up the great work!
Lady Red - 04/07/00 15:16:44
My URL:http://www.digitaldelilah.com
What do you think of my web page?: Great!
Your website looks great! All of your hard work shines through and it is obvious that you have spent a great deal of time and effort into making these wonderful pages! Why not consider putting your site to the test? Come join the Digital Delilah's Website Competition!! Or maybe you would like to join the Staff! You are also cordially invited to join our web ring.
julie downing - 03/18/00 12:59:00
My Email:juliefromwaseca@webtv.net
What is your favorite hobby?: men
What do you think of my web page?: not enugh men!!
looks good to me but were are all the men?
Mitzi - 03/13/00 13:58:34
My Email:mitzihartman@webtv.net
What is your favorite movie?: Steel Magnolias
What is your favorite hobby?: Who has time for hobbies????
What do you think of my web page?: It's great!
Hey Woozy! Your site is great!!! I love all of the pictures.
Lesa - 03/12/00 21:17:50
My Email:lms20ish@jobe.net
What is your favorite movie?: days of thunder
What is your favorite hobby?: cooking
What do you think of my web page?: I love it
good job hun keep it up
Joyce B. - 03/05/00 17:24:47
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/pp/charlesma/index.html
My Email:CBrand@mcol.net
What is your favorite movie?: Legends of The Fall
What is your favorite hobby?: Surfing the Internet & Working on my Web Site
What do you think of my web page?: It's Great!
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: You are doing a Wonderful Job!
You are doing terrific! I know I'll never get down to 111 (my goal is 125), you should be so proud! I hope you'll visit my site, "Losing it, A Weight Loss Journal", if you get the chance. I wish you all the best! - Joyce
Joe Comiskey - 03/02/00 03:31:40
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~joecomiskey
My Email:jcomiskey@krypto.net
A great looking site. If you get the chance, please visit me at my place. If you like what you see, please don't keep it a secret; tell everyone that you know.
If perchance you have visited me previously, please take notice of my new URL and update your Bookmarks or Favorites lists accordingly.
Stephanie - 02/26/00 22:53:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/s-j/semper
My Email:semper@brunnet.net
What is your favorite movie?: Shogun
What is your favorite hobby?: Playing on computer, quilting & travelling to the UK
What do you think of my web page?: very enjoyable
I followed your link from dietwatch. It's a great site and nice to meet others there who are also taking their health into their own hands and sticking to it-despite distractions. I gained a lot after being mainly immobile for 3 years with health proble
s. Got fed up and started dieting and in the process discovered the cause of my health problems so am 'killing two birds with one stone'. Good luck with your dieting and remember - when you reach perfect weight - you changed your lifestyle - keep it tha
way. You look terrific in your first plateau of weight loss - well done!
I am Steph 13 at dietwatch. Will be back to visit your page again. Keep up the good work!!
Kathy - 02/19/00 14:14:15
My Email:MerryKathy@aol.com
What is your favorite movie?: Austin Powers
What is your favorite hobby?: Crafts
What do you think of my web page?: I liked it.
I have the same weight stats as you. You are an inspirations. You have done a good job.
Kathy - 02/19/00 01:53:09
What is your favorite movie?: Titanic
What is your favorite hobby?: My Computer
What do you think of my web page?: Motivational
just wondering where you've been? hope you start posting again soon. i've lost 5 pounds so far and a bunch of inches since i started the larry north program 3 weeks ago! i love it!
Barb - 02/19/00 01:09:18
My Email:sbpierce@cleanweb.net
What do you think of my web page?: Fantastic!
Your web page is really awesome Leslie! We keep saying we are going to give web page publishing a try one of these days! Yours would be a great example to follow!
Allandra - 02/16/00 21:38:44
My URL:http://Marie5.tripod.com/homepage.html
My Email:marie55555@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie?: Dirty Dancing
What do you think of my web page?: It's great! :)
Hi Woozy, I frequently visit your web page. It's really nice. You're doing a great job at weight loss! Keep up the good work. What's the name of the plan that you're using? Please let me know. Take care. :)
Ruth Wachter - 02/10/00 18:24:29
My URL:http://www.yahoo.com
My Email:wachterrm@yahoo.com
What is your favorite hobby?: reading
What do you think of my web page?: great
Your story is very inspiring. Keep up the good work. Ruth
Chrissie Quinn - 02/09/00 02:33:10
My Email:chrisq@pacificwest.com
What is your favorite movie?: The Sand Pebbles
What is your favorite hobby?: Cooking
What do you think of my web page?: Terrific
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: Not to worry
I joined Dietwatch tonight as "ChrissieQ," and I'm impressed that you've taken time to post your site, which I think will provide quite a lot of inspiration for us all. Needless to say, your weight loss is both wonderful and commendable. Thanks very much!
Katie Pollick - 02/08/00 12:07:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/acres/6638
My Email:pollkat@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie?: Funny Farm
What is your favorite hobby?: Gardening
What do you think of my web page?: You've done a wonderful job.
Just dropped in again to see if you have any updates. You've put alot of work into this and it shows. It looks nice. Good luck with the "dieting" & with the "other things"!! Keep up the good work.
jocelyn - 02/06/00 19:24:16
My Email:ronjoc@ckhnet.com
What is your favorite movie?: the green mile
What is your favorite hobby?: travel
What do you think of my web page?: great
I just got a computer in Oct. Everything is new. Taking classes.
what kind if diet are you on? Low fat, low carbo, calories counted etc.
Susan - 02/06/00 16:43:51
My Email:x_spysusan@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie?: A Room With A View
What is your favorite hobby?: Gardening
What do you think of my web page?: Only spent 2 minutes on it--will look at it again later.
I weighed 172 when I got divorced and have lost 17 pounds. My goal is for 15 more pounds. I weighed 125 when I graduated from HS but I don't think I could ever be that thin again. Congratulations on your incredible loss! It has inspired me.
Shannykims - 02/06/00 16:10:35
My Email:Colby88@aol.com
What is your favorite movie?: It's a Wonderful Life
What is your favorite hobby?: gardening
What do you think of my web page?: encouraging
Angie - 02/04/00 04:12:27
My Email:angiemk@uswest.net
What is your favorite movie?: pretty woman
What is your favorite hobby?: dancing,reading
What do you think of my web page?: I loved it.
I loved your web page. The first night I found it I was busy cooking dinner. I even emailed you a quick email. The next morning I tried to pullup dietwatch to pull up your website again and it would'nt come up.I was so bummed!!
We seem like we have alot in common.
I have 4 kids and graduated from HS in '84,
have been married for 15 years. I want to loose about 40 lbs. And your website was motivational.
Please keep in touch if your not to busy. A/F Angie
Angie Allen - 02/04/00 03:37:22
My Email:angiemk@uswest.net
What is your favorite movie?: pretty woman
What is your favorite hobby?: dancing
What do you think of my web page?: I loved it.
I loved your web page. The first night I found it I was busy cooking dinner. I even emailed you a quick email. The next morning I tried to pullup dietwatch to pull up your website again and it would'nt come up.I was so bummed!!
We seem like we have alot in common.
I have 4 kids and graduated from HS in '84,
have been married for 15 years. I want to loose about 40 lbs. And your website was motivational.
Please keep in touch if your not to busy. A/F Angie
Barbara Mason - 02/03/00 20:34:45
My Email:bmason@sfcsys.com
What is your favorite movie?: can't think!
What is your favorite hobby?: gardening (when I do it)
What do you think of my web page?: Great job!
I loved reading your diary, although my boss probably wouldn't be too pleased!! You sound like a really great, healthy, normal person. What the heck does LOL mean?!!? Am I from some other time or what?
Carolyn - 02/03/00 01:35:58
My Email:lturner@windo.missouri.org
What is your favorite movie?: Twister
What is your favorite hobby?: reading
What do you think of my web page?: GREAT
I just found this site last Sunday(Jan.30)and I'm really impressed with how this could help people lose weight. Your web page is the first that I've read so far, but maybe it will help me. Your weight story is almost like deja'vu. I weighed 115 at the m
st, in high school, now I'm up to 161. I'm going to give it another try and get it off. Wish me luck....
Letitia - 02/02/00 20:00:12
My Email:LetitiaR@aol.com
What is your favorite movie?: Steel Magnolias
What is your favorite hobby?: Community Theatre and Walking
Go Girl, Go!
Andrea - 02/02/00 14:54:50
My Email:dutchysmom@netscape.net
What is your favorite movie?: Mr. Hollands' Opus
What is your favorite hobby?: horses
What do you think of my web page?: Thought it was great.
You and I have some things in common. I weight about what you did at the beginning and never thought 120 would be possible. I am hoping to get to 130. I weighed between 125 and 128 in high school and don't mind if I don't get down to that. I just want
o feel and look good. Please e-mail be sometime and share some of your getting started ideas. I could use some inspiration.
Debbie - 02/02/00 14:13:51
My Email:davisde@pb.com
What is your favorite movie?: Hard to say I love so many...
What is your favorite hobby?: Music, Computers, my cats
What do you think of my web page?: I found it very inspiring. I wish I could do the same.
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: I did find it a little hard to read your begining journal written in red.
I followed the link from dietwatch.com, It's a wonderful site. I have hypothyroid and have only been on medication for a little over a month. I am 41, 5'5" and 200 lbs. I've tried every diet imaginable. It is so frustrating. I'm so glad that you made
it. In your picture from October, you look like a kid again. I'm looking forward to seeing a new picture.
RC - 02/02/00 02:38:57
My Email:RCRcurran@aol.com
What is your favorite movie?: Camelot
What is your favorite hobby?: Reading
What do you think of my web page?: I think it is great
You are doing a great job, and I am very inspired by your progress. Keep up the good work, you can be very very proud of yourself.
Char5 - 02/02/00 02:09:28
My Email:boyroyboy@msn.com
What is your favorite movie?: Back to the Future
What is your favorite hobby?: it should be exercising
What do you think of my web page?: great!
- 02/02/00 00:44:42
annie - 02/01/00 15:19:20
What is your favorite movie?: Titanic
What is your favorite hobby?: Computing
What do you think of my web page?: I love it!
You are an inspiration! Keep up the great work!
roxanne - 01/23/00 19:30:49
What is your favorite movie?: under siege one
What is your favorite hobby?: gaming
What do you think of my web page?: its really pretty!
havent looked at the whole thing yet, just looking for good recipes.
Allandra Marie - 01/05/00 16:12:13
My URL:http://Marie5.tripod.com/homepage.html
My Email:marie55555@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie?: Dirty Dancing AND Ghost
What do you think of my web page?: Cool
Hi. You're doing a fabulous job! Keep it up!
Joe - 01/04/00 02:50:15
My URL:/anewmenow
My Email:beautifulbfly@hotmail.com
SOrry, messed up the link :) Visit this page!
Joe - 01/04/00 02:47:34
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/anewmenow
My Email:beautifulbfly@hotmail.com
What is your favorite hobby?: music
What do you think of my web page?: good
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: ;)
Hey...i have a page like yours...i'm leaving my link for you to visit it :)
Dion - 12/19/99 07:21:50
My URL:http://pages.ivillage.com/misc/tundra_girl
My Email:tundra_girl@ivillage.com
What do you think of my web page?: Great
Congrats on your successful weight loss! I'm so proud of you for sticking with it! I wish you all the continued success in the New Year! HUGS
Karen - 12/13/99 00:21:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/7419/
What is your favorite hobby?: crafts
What do you think of my web page?: great
Nice Homepage
Wendy Mitchell - 11/04/99 01:01:01
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Cottage/9518/
My Email:ibederay@aol.com
What is your favorite movie?: I have lots of favorites!!
What is your favorite hobby?: making dolls, collecting teddy bears
What do you think of my web page?: It made me hungry!!
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: you did great
I was following a Country Christmas Webring and it brought me here. I love your page, but it made me hungry!! I will be back to go through your recipes. Please come visit me if you can! Wendy
pat - 11/02/99 04:27:36
My URL:http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/basketsbypat
My Email:pat0829@aol.com
What is your favorite movie?: High Society/White Christmas/The American President, and all the old MGM musicals
What is your favorite hobby?: eating cheesecake
nice job on your pages.
I've bookmarked them and will return.
Hi Leslie,
I dropped by from my site where I read
your note in my message board.
Keep the good work up!
Linda - 10/14/99 09:59:45
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Finman_2/index-1.html
My Email:campin@flash.net
What is your favorite movie?: An Afair to Remember
What is your favorite hobby?: Lighthouses, cooking, crosstitch
What do you think of my web page?: I love it
Hello Woozy, I found you in another guestbook and decided to make a stop. I love the lighthouses. We live in Michigan and try to visit at least one new one each summer while we are camping. I have a cat and a dog. They are great company and we take about
hem as if they were our kids. Loved your site and have bookmarked you for later. Want to see some more of your recipes. Keep up the great work.
Anjanette - 10/11/99 04:04:11
My Email:LakotaWife@Hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie?: Too many to list
What is your favorite hobby?: Crafts
What do you think of my web page?: Getting better by the minute
Hi, I was just checking in. You web site is looking so great and you are doing so well. Keep up the good work. Note: I will put a prayer in for Norman, he does sound very nice. Your right about feeling yucky after a binge, we should remember that feel
ng. It might help when I am feeling a little off. hehe. Good thing we really don't have munchies. But the holidays are coming and that should be a challenge. Your Friend, Anjanette
Jeanne - 10/10/99 19:50:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/9228
What is your favorite movie?: too many to choose just one! In the top 10 would be "Steel Magnolias", "Contact", "Courage Under Fire", "Gigi", "Soul Food"...... (sorry, but you did ask!)
What is your favorite hobby?: (again with the hard questions). Let's go with Travel
Hi there! As a collector of all things of a lighthouse nature, I enjoyed visiting your site. I will get out my pictures boxes and send some lighthouse photos your way (eventually). You're off to a good start on that section!
Hi Leslie,
Just wanted to stop by and welcome you to A Country Christmas Webring! Glad you could join us!
Hi There,
It's been a while since I have taken a cyber-tour to visit all of the great recipe sites on the web. As you can see, today I made it to your site. Great work.
If you get a chance, come by and visit me at my site. Don't forget to sign my guest book while you are there. If you like what you see, please don't keep it a secret; tell everyone that you know.
A lovely site. Really enjoyed my visit. Keep up the great work so everyone may enjoy.
Barb - 09/08/99 01:19:10
My URL:http://none
My Email:Bhan902@aol.com
What is your favorite hobby?: cooking,gallery glass
What do you think of my web page?: Very nice page
Hi,i have a sisterinlaw that lives in Albert Lea,Minnasota.Iloved the picture of the light house.Thank you for letting me visit you and good luck on your weight loss.Barb from TEXAS
Barb - 09/08/99 01:10:22
My URL:http://none
My Email:Bhan902@aol.com
What is your favorite hobby?: cooking,gallery glass
What do you think of my web page?: Very nice page
Hi,i have a sisterinlaw that lives in Albert Lea,Minnasota.Iloved the picture of the light house.Thank you for letting me visit you and good luck on your weight loss.Barb from TEXAS
Anjanette - 09/07/99 18:37:07
My URL:http://www.maxpages.com/lakotawife
My Email:LakotaWife@Hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie?: Too Many, hehe
What is your favorite hobby?: Crafts
What do you think of my web page?: Very nice
Hello, I was just checking in to see how you are doing. Your doing great!!! Keep up the good work. Anjanette
A - 09/07/99 18:35:52
Dave Wade - 08/22/99 09:48:33
My URL:http://www.wade59.freeserve.co.uk
My Email:dave_r@wade59.freeserve.co.uk
What is your favorite movie?: I don't go to the movies much
What is your favorite hobby?: Drawing
What do you think of my web page?: Very Nice
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: So am I!!
I got here from the Hemiman's site he has a link to you on his page. I read the about me section and the layout is nice but the color of the type made it a bit hard to read. The Hemiman has helped me with my site but it is still under construction and my
fforts have prompted him to change his.
Helen Watson - 07/29/99 12:44:28
My URL:http://www.hwatson.force9.co.uk/
My Email:helen@hwatson.force9.net
What is your favorite movie?: The Madness of King George
What is your favorite hobby?: Updating my Web Site!
What do you think of my web page?: Great site
I enjoyed your recipe collection very much.
Good Luck
Jackie - 07/26/99 02:15:17
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/spiritcir/intercede2/index.html
My Email:Intercede2@webtv.net
What is your favorite movie?: Pollyanna
What is your favorite hobby?: writing
What do you think of my web page?: it is rad
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: lol
good luck on finding the lighthouse pics you want. I have had trouble finding pics for my homepage as well.
Sherry - 07/25/99 15:28:00
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Sherrade/Weight.htm
What is your favorite movie?: Frankie & Johnie
What is your favorite hobby?: Computers :)
What do you think of my web page?: It's great and informative!
Thanks for stopping by my "journey", I enjoyed your pages, the diet and pet pages especially. You're doing great! I'd kill to be at your weight ;) Take care and keep up the good work.
Heather - 07/15/99 01:06:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Atrium/8137/
My Email:whiskars@webtv.net
What is your favorite movie?: Mary Poppins
What do you think of my web page?: It was great!!
I really enjoyed visiting your web page. Best of luck to you on your diet. I thought your wedding picture was adorable!!! My husband is also 1 foot taller than me. I find that standing on a step to hug him helps quite a bit. :) Have you tried that?
darwin sherman - 07/04/99 07:33:20
My Email:darwink@se-iowa.net
What do you think of my web page?: fantastic
Daniel - 07/03/99 18:46:51
My URL:http://danielinnovate.cjb.net
Hi, Whatta terrific site ya have here ..... Very well done up with supreme design, you really know how to enlight your visitors, Well Done, Keep it up. With pleasure, I would like
to invite ya to my website at http://danielinnovate.cjb.net Yours Always, Daniel...... |
![]() |
Note : Win Awards for your web site at the awards page |
What a great site you have here. I myself am from Elk River, MN. Been in Arizona for just about 5 years now and wouldnt trade the warm weather for anything. Thanks for sharing
Lenape - 06/17/99 20:21:50
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/Shores/8665
Hi!! Thanks for visiting my homepage.... I really liked the vacation photos you have displayed. Nice job!!
Don Merrill - 06/17/99 01:52:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~merrydon
My Email:merrydon@mailcity.com
What is your favorite hobby?: see my home page
I love looking at all of the wonderful home pages and admire all of the work that goes into making them. If you get a chance please visit my home page and sign my guest book.
cathy cannon - 06/15/99 12:46:56
My Email:riccannon@msn.com
Aunt Betty - 06/12/99 14:10:15
My Email:bm.brown@hosp.wisc.edu
What is your favorite movie?: Titanic
What is your favorite hobby?: Reading
What do you think of my web page?: WOW
I'll keep track of the recipes. If you find any good and easy ones for just one or two persons please post them. I hate cooking for just one!
John S. Coleman - 06/08/99 14:53:13
My Email:jscoleman@iname.com
What is your favorite movie?: The Good,The Bad, And The Ugly
What is your favorite hobby?: motorcyleing
What do you think of my web page?: haven't checked it out yet
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: lookin for recipres
I was born in Blue Earth MN and raised in Alabama. My mothers kin are around Mankato, Deluth etc I am 45 my wife is 43 and we plan to tour up to MN when I am done refurbishing my motorcycle.
- 06/07/99 20:56:25
Els - 06/02/99 21:26:15
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/ehey/cybergreetings.htm
My Email:el7bbs@telekabel.nl
What is your favorite movie?: Titanic
What is your favorite hobby?: WebDesignen
What do you think of my web page?: very good
Hi, My compliments for your beautifull homepages.
I love it very much, keep up the good work..
Byebye from Els.
Beckie - 05/15/99 20:16:55
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Beckie1999/index.html
My Email:beckie_t98@yahoo.com
What is your favorite movie?: Scream 2
What is your favorite hobby?: The Internet
What do you think of my web page?: Smart!!!
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: ????????????????????
Nice page u have here
please come over to my site and sign my guestbook
Jennifer - 05/14/99 13:00:10
My URL:http://www.exploringamerica.com
My Email:jrider@marktwain.net
What is your favorite movie?: Princess Bride
What is your favorite hobby?: cooking-Pampered Chef style!
What do you think of my web page?: very nice
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: like, how new?
My husband is putting together his web page too, any suggestions? Also, I really enjoyed your s, as you can tell by our url, we love to travel! If you ever want to see Colorado, just call us at 1-877-explr-99! Have a good day! One thing you could a
is to ask for peoples favorite verse: mine is John 3:16.
Jim Nelson - 05/14/99 12:32:24
My Email:jrnelson@kiva.net
What is your favorite movie?: The Great Escape
What is your favorite hobby?: Bowling
What do you think of my web page?: Very nice
James Hinton - 05/14/99 11:50:08
My Email:jhinton2500@usa.net
What is your favorite movie?: Star Wars
What is your favorite hobby?: Golf
What do you think of my web page?: Great
Tena Ruhland-Tuttle - 05/14/99 11:47:51
My Email:ttuttle@clear.lakes.com
What is your favorite movie?: City of Angels
What is your favorite hobby?: Craft shopping
What do you think of my web page?: Great
Just happened to come across this. Nice to see a fellow Wasecan!!!!
- 05/13/99 20:51:08
John - 05/12/99 16:40:30
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/poetry1
My Email:csn_star@xoommail.com
What is your favorite movie?: Lonesome Dove
What is your favorite hobby?: Traveling
What do you think of my web page?: Great
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: You learn fast.
Great travel pictures you have.
John - 05/12/99 16:38:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx2/poetry1
My Email:csn_star@xoommail.com
What is your favorite movie?: Lonesome Dove
What is your favorite hobby?: Traveling
What do you think of my web page?: Great
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: You learn fast.
Great travel pictures you have.
- 05/12/99 15:17:08
My Email:mener.usa .net
What is your favorite movie?: the rock
What is your favorite hobby?: icq
What do you think of my web page?: good
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: no
dave - 05/12/99 15:16:28
My Email:mener .usa.net
What is your favorite movie?: the rock
What is your favorite hobby?: icq
What do you think of my web page?: good
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: no
Bruce - 05/08/99 21:56:31
My Email:bruce@ameritel.net
What is your favorite movie?: Dr. Zivago
What is your favorite hobby?: spectator at stockcar races
What do you think of my web page?: having been the first personal website I have visited I was very impressed with it.
James Bair - 05/08/99 19:28:42
My Email:jimbo5246@yahoo.com
What is your favorite hobby?: amatuer radio
What do you think of my web page?: nice
I was looking for entry to webstakes
Jennifer Dean - 05/08/99 03:19:57
My Email:cnjenjenn@aol.com
What is your favorite movie?: Pretty Woman
What is your favorite hobby?: dancing
What do you think of my web page?: like it
Bill Bray - 05/07/99 23:37:01
My URL:http://www.cport.com/~swwa
My Email:billb@cport.com
What is your favorite movie?: Too many to choose...
What is your favorite hobby?: Doin' webs
What do you think of my web page?: Good Job
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: Really!!!
Nice site Wooze...And you appear to be a lovely young woman yourself. Glad I stopped by.
Bill Brau - 05/07/99 23:36:26
My URL:http://www.cport.com/~swwa
My Email:billb@cport.com
What is your favorite movie?: Too many to choose...
What is your favorite hobby?: Doin' webs
What do you think of my web page?: Good Job
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: Really!!!
Nice site Wooze...And you appear to be a lovely young woman yourself. Glad I stopped by.
Aunt Owwee - 04/25/99 22:48:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yosemite/rapids/7352
My Email:dreamwest@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie?: Field of Dreams
What is your favorite hobby?: Photography
What do you think of my web page?: Great pictures!
Loved your travel page. The pictures are great!
Idris - 04/13/99 15:21:17
My URL:/Tokyo/Pagoda/4455/
My Email:miahas9@tm.net.my
What is your favorite movie?: Titanic
Really enjoyed my visit. Please stop by my site and sign my guestbook. Thanks..
We're new at this, but trying. We love you very much and hope you ome to visit soon. Was nice seeing you over Easter.
Aunt Marilyn & Stephanie - 04/11/99 17:36:15
My Email:rwolcott@sbinet.com
What is your favorite movie?: cake
What is your favorite hobby?: golf
What do you think of my web page?: awesome yeah man, yeah
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: really?
Hey, love the home page. Please send my mom e-mails as she is a little lonely in South Bend. Your brother has wayyyyy toooo much computer equipment.
Hope everyone is well.
idris - 04/08/99 07:00:03
My URL:http://www.Geocities.com/Tokyo/Pagoda/4455
My Email:miahas9@yahoo.com
What is your favorite movie?: Titanic
What do you think of my web page?: very nice
Thanks a lot and i will come back soon!
Jiannette - 04/08/99 02:06:52
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/jrmr/fam.html
My Email:jan45@apexmail.com
What is your favorite movie?: Another is Ben Hur
What is your favorite hobby?: another is exercise
What do you think of my web page?: great!
Back again to look at a few more recipes and update the URL for my page. This is the correct one! Thanks alot!
Jiannette - 03/31/99 23:14:00
My URL:http://pages.prodigy.net/jrmr/home.html
My Email:jan45@apexmail.com
What is your favorite movie?: Aliens
What is your favorite hobby?: computing
What do you think of my web page?: very nice
Thanks for the fun visit!
Sylvia - 02/28/99 15:52:43
My Email:hisylvia2@webtv.net
What is your favorite hobby?: gardening,flowers and food and cooking when i can get the time
What do you think of my web page?: I think it will be great
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: not as new as me,i just got the web at Christmas
I'm looking forward to more. The pictures were a nice addition.I would love to see some of that kind of country.I'm from Florida,completely different,everything here is flat.
chrissie - 02/18/99 23:56:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/cottage/3722
My Email:ccrowl75@ameritech.net
What is your favorite movie?: anything monty python:)
What is your favorite hobby?: crafts
What do you think of my web page?: very cool!
wow!! Great page!! I really like the craft ideas!
I'm checkin out some recipes too!! I'll be back in a bit to get more!! Great page and keep up the great work!
Jay D. Enloe - 01/25/99 00:27:47
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/hornsey/853/hemiman.htm
My Email:jhemiman01@AOL.com
What is your favorite movie?: Sleepless in Seatle
What is your favorite hobby?: computer graphics
What do you think of my web page?: cool background
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: we all are/were at 1 time
Hi Woozy,
'Tis me, jhemiman01. Are you interested in any cheeseball recipes? Hey I really like your background. What program did you build your web with? For some reason, unknown to mankind, I thought you were located in Iceland. Where are you? Beloit, WI here, lan
of the cheeseheads. I sent you some e-mail and I might be repeating myself (did I tell you I have short-term memory loss?) but here goes anywho. I think I attached my 52 minute keynote speech for reading (dis) pleasure? If not and you are interested e-ma
l me.
Ethan - 01/14/99 03:49:45
My URL:http://www.webpanache.com/hotwheels
My Email:elreed@platec.net
What is your favorite movie?: Sleepless in Seattle
What is your favorite hobby?: Loving my wife
What do you think of my web page?: I think it was made by a wonderful person
I think this website is awesome, and it must have been made by a person who I love!! Keep up the good work!!
Barb Pierce - 01/13/99 02:10:17
What is your favorite movie?: Sleepless in Seattle
What is your favorite hobby?: Reading
What do you think of my web page?: I'm impressed!
Great Job. I'll enjoy checking back from time to time. You're talented!
Brian - 12/02/98 10:40:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/1501
My Email:bmilkins@sympac .com.au
What is your favorite hobby?: Racing go karts
What do you think of my web page?: great keep it up
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: im from moe near melbourne in australia
we are neighbours at heartlands you visited me recently, great page and very informative good work and i will visit again
Simona - 11/19/98 10:03:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/hills/3364
My Email:simonaminasso@hotmail.com
What is your favorite movie?: cake
What is your favorite hobby?: music
What do you think of my web page?: good
Very nice and interesting, congratulation !!!
Emma Jane - 11/09/98 11:25:23
My Email:emmajjane@cedarnet.org
What is your favorite movie?: Miraqcle on 34th St (the old one)
What is your favorite hobby?: learning stuff
What do you think of my web page?: Great job!!
Looking forward to more of it
William House - 11/05/98 03:52:25
What is your favorite movie?: shaft
What is your favorite hobby?: toys
What do you think of my web page?: way cool
Hi woozy this is the best place on the web great job keep up the ground breaking work
Woozy - 11/03/98 14:44:41
My Email:woozy1@geocities.com
What is your favorite movie?: Favorite all time movie is Austin Powers, hee hee hee
What is your favorite hobby?: Playing on the 'puter and trying to work on my web page!
What do you think of my web page?: I love it, of course it is my web page, hee hee hee!!!
I know, I know, I am new at this!!: I just wanted to put a message here to welcome and thank anyone who visits my sight!! Please be nice to me!! Thank you!! Woozy!