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Floatin' the Gasconade River summer of '97. Naturally it had to rain. Leah don't seem to mind, but I wasn't thrilled.

Jamie don't ever pass up a chance to show off.

Fishin' in the Punkin on the Osage River. Early spring '96.

Like I said, she don't ever miss a chance to show off. Are those BEERS that she's holdin'? I think they are. Hartsburg Punkin Festival, October '96.

Taylor and I with my '56 Studebaker pickup. I sold the Stude to a guy in Round Rock Texas in '97, and had just finished loading it for delivery. If you've never been through Dallas, I can tell you that it's a definite white-knuckle experience when you're pulling a trailer with 102" axles in rush hour traffic. Not for the faint-hearted!!! Dakota pulled those southeast Oklahoma hills like they weren't even there.

#3 son Taylor, Old Abe Augie Cyrus, and the Studebaker. Road ready!!!

Autumn sunset over the Missouri River. Who needs the beach when you've got this in your backyard?

I'll get this picture thing figured out eventually. Let me know how you like it.

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