Unlike most of our recent acquisitions, this one is self-motivated.
Slo Mo got the honor of drivin' it onto the trailer.
It only took him a few tries to figure out the torque lever weren't a hand clutch.
Dad's a happy camper.
He's got money in his pocket and a Moline on the trailer.
The tractor ran well but was leaking coolant out of the #4 exhaust port and sucking coolant
into the crankcase. We expected to find the head cracked. Turned out to be a bad head gasket.
Good thing too - 10A4231 heads ain't real easy to find and are durned expensive to buy.
The intake valves were pounded so bad they all had to be replaced.
This thing had been run a long time with leaking exhaust gaskets. I asked the guy who did
the head work not to grind any farther than he had to in order to allow a good seal.
I switched em front to back so the outside ports would have a full mating surface.
#2 Son Clint is turning out to be a pretty good wrench man.
Dad can fix anything that he can work on with a pipe wrench.
He did a nice job of replacing the temperature sending unit in the upper water manifold.
I let him help on the small stuff in order to keep him from feelin' old and useless. heh heh
We're gettin' close now...
Tractor is running and Dad is pissed! This was the first time he'd been in the seat since
he bought the tractor, and my truck was parked in front of it. I made him sit there while
I went inside to get the digital camera.
Off he goes on the shakedown cruise. It looks like this one is going to turn out to be well
worth the money. He paid $1200 for the tractor and spent ~$325 for the head work, and a
gasket set. We also replaced the spark plugs and wires, air filter, gas line filter, temperature
sending unit, muffler and engine fluids. Not too bad for 5-plow horsepower...
Comments or Suggestions
Are Always Welcome.