These pictures were done over my lifetime.
by L. M. Willson
These dogs I painted when I was 16 years old.
I gave them to a friend of mine.

These were just doodles that I used to do just for fun.
My kids liked alot of them and asked me to make frames for them.
I did and now they have some of them in their homes.

This picture of Jesus I painted for my loving wife,
who at that time was still my girlfriend.
She had just graduated from Sacred Heart Academy
and she loved this painting.
One of the nuns at her school asked her for it
and she asked me if it would be ok to give it to her.
I said I didn't mind at all,
so that is where the painting is now.

This is a pen and ink drawing I did when I was also a teenager.
His name was Alf Landen.
He was the Repulican nominee for president against Franklin Rooselvelt.
Needless to say, he lost the election,
but my Dad liked him,
so I drew it for my Dad.

This picture I painted for my Son.
He loved these kind of dogs.
He and his wife have many pets
but these are their favorites.
He has the picture hanging in his study.

These are just more doodles,
that I just liked to do in my spare time,
(not that I had alot of that with 5 kids!!) haha
But when I was sitting on the phone or whatever,
I would just draw things like this.
Like I said before,
my kids liked them and have some of these "doodles"
framed in their house.
Since I was a carpenter,
I could make them the frames as well.

I drew on crosstitch material
and then cross stiched this one for my wife.
This was her little dog Charmaine.
When Charmaine passed,
we buried her in the back yard
and planted a white rose bush over her,
and every year we had more and more
beautiful white roses from that plant.
It was our little Charmaine
still filling our world with her love

This is the last one I will probably ever do.
I was working on it up in North Carolina.
I would draw the design on the cloth and then do the stiching.
Una loved them and couldn't beleive I could
do that.
I was doing this one right before Una died.
I cannot touch it anymore.
I have tried to finish it so many time,
but everytime I touch it,
I can't stop crying long enough to see the stiches.

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