Welcome to the Weston Family
  Genealogy page.    
Thank you for stopping by.  This site will be in a constant state of construction; simply because we are continuously researching our roots!
The main areas occupied by our ancestors are: Canada, Georgia, Hawaii, Italy, New York, North Carolina,Oklahoma, Scotland, and West Virginia. But, truly, if we were to trace every person that came before us in our families, we would find that we cover the Earth. To date, we have known relatives in most of the major continents, and we have only just started our research!
If you have information you wish to share, or you think we have a match...E-MAIL US!
This site was updated: 4, Sept. 1998

Anderson Avery Baliles Bass Beck Blake Brekenridge Bowers  Boxall  Bradford  Brechon  Bridges   Bryan  Bull  Cain Cason Castagnon (Castro) Chastain Chun/Chung Cochran   Davis  DeRosa  DeVarga  D'Uva Distal Ferguson Fife Finch Fortner  Frazier Free  Gaddis (Geddes)  Galletta  Gooch  Graham Griffen Hall Hanenkrat Harrison Hawk/Hawks Haygood Hefner Holleran  Howald Hubbard Huff Hunter Hutchinson Hutson Hybarger Igo Innes Johnson Jones Kerr Kidd Kinsey Ledford Lee Little  Long Lorrie Martin Mason Maudlin Montgomery Moore  Nash Nevins Ogeltree Orr Pallin Poor Poss Ray  Reed  Reffett  Reilly Renfro Ridley Roberts Robertson Ross Saine Scott Sewell  Sheldon  Simmons Simpson  Smith  Stargel  Strangio Sullens Terwilliger Thacker Thompson  Traphagen  Turner Turpin Vandeventer Vivian Walden Watson  Weston Wildman Woody  Wools  Wyche  Wynkoop
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