Evander Family Home Page

Countdown to Supreme Court Welcome! Don't even think of coming inside unless you want to learn more about Dan Evander Jr., Dan Evander Sr., Samantha Evander, R/C cars, Jet Skis, some video games, stamps, or Dan Jr's custom Isuzu trucks. Welcome to our new home on geocities. We finally dumped that lame ass excuse of a provider that called themselves Global Center, and got hitched up with an ADSL line. Unfortunately, our new provider only has provisions for 2meg of web space, so GeoCities will be hosting us for a while.

There are no real new updates yet. Most of my hobbies are on stand still while I am playing UO and being the webmaster for Severed Ties. Most people don't really understand how being a webmaster can be a full time job. Oh well. ;-) What we can offer you is listed in the index table below...

Pages on our Site

Computer Room updatedGo here to learn all about our web development platform
Dan Jr. Go here to learn all about Dan Evander Jr. and his hobbies
Dan Sr. Go here to learn all about Dan Evander Sr. and his hobbies
Jet Ski Polaris jet skiing in Arizona
PLUS - installs and tricks!
R/C Car Sedan R/C car racing
PLUS - painting bodies!
Isuzu Rodeo Go here to learn about Dan Jr's custom Isuzu Rodeo
Samantha Evander Learn all about Dan Jr's daughter, Samantha
SLAMD Learn about Dan Jr's previous truck - SLAMD
Stamps Learn about Dan Sr's award winning stamps!

This page rarely gets updated, so check back for new stuff once in a while, or something... Have a problem? And you think perhaps we care? Mail us! We'll get around to reading it someday.

Send us some E-Mail.