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FloralHello, there!

And a warm welcome to my home in cyberspace! Spring has sprung, the leaves are coming out, and we are being blessed with some unusually lovely weather in Texas. Come on in and sit right down - I have some stories to tell you. There, comfy?

I'm so glad you stopped by! If you've been here before be sure to click 'refresh' to get the latest version. This is the first time I've updated my pages in what seems like years, so there are subtractions (husband!) and new additions, including a new puppy and kitty! (last update 4/3/04)

OH, and please sign my new guestbook! I love to see who's visited. Just below are some links about the things most important in my life. I hope you'll enjoy browsing a bit of it.

Click for Dallas, Texas Forecast

Adoption Reunion The Sandbox
Holidays The Doghouse
Gardening Log Homes
Astronomy Museums & Art

Please Help!

Here are some of my favorite links:
Nintendo (Zelda freak here!)
Dept. 56
The Woodshed

Call 1-800-THE-LOST if you've seen this child. Click on the image for case details. We support the work of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
Click Here To Add A Missing Child Link To Your Pages!

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The background on this page is my own design, created from graphics on special loan to me, and is not for use on other pages. I am currently developing some graphics for use on others' pages, so please check back soon.

You can email me at ZuZu'sPetals .