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"This is our Puss Page!! We are usally called _puss as a "Lisa? Get out of this!!! you saaaid thiis was our(oppppurr)page!!? Anyway, thise are our best friend....
We have found many good pages(not only cat ones)on the web. Our favorite is Beware of cat. Visit her or any of our other friends in the links page.
That's all folks!
"My name is Chloe! L.O.L.(Laugh Out Loud)"
"My name is Patches! :) (Smile)"
"And I'm Trouble! #^! (Dead guy with tounge out!")
group! Our owner, Lisa is helping us create this page, but don't let that fool you! We are telling her eggzactly what to putt and Troooublee iis typeing noww!!!"
Hi. (giggle giggle giggle) I'm Lisa. I'm their owner. sorry about the miss types....