Grandma's my name, spoilin's my game.
Grandmas are earth angels
Grandparents are Gods way of
compensating us for growing old
Grandmas are just ancient little girls
Grandma's are antique little girls
Two proud grandparents live here
A proud grandma ( grandpa) lives here
Grandmas are special.
Grandpas are great.
There's no place like home . . . except Grandmas!
There would be fewer spoiled
children if you could spank Grandma's.
Grandma's are earth angels
Grandkids keep hearts young
If I had known grandchildren
were this much fun
I would have had them first!
The handwriting on the wall
means the grandchildren
found the crayons
It is as grandmothers that our mothers
come into the fullness of their grace.
When a man's mother holds his
child in her gladden arms he is aware of the
roundness of life's cycle;
of the mystic harmony of life's ways.
Christopher Morley
The birth of a child in the family
can be the greatest leveler of
differences, bringing everyone together.
Grandma's home is her
grandchildren's second home,
a sort of security blanket
they can escape to
when the world is unfriendly.
Parent-child relationships are complex.
Grandmother-grandchild relationships are simple.
Grandmas are short on criticism and long on love.
What's so simple even
a small child can manipulate it?
Why, a grandmother, of course!
Since the beginning of time
grandmothers have been
negotiators and
peacemakers in their families.
The closest friends I have made
all through life have
been people who also
grew up close to a loved and
loving grandmother or grandfather.
Margaret Mead
Children have more
need of models than critics.
Joseph Joubert
Children have never been very
good at listening to their elders, but they
have never failed to imitate them.
James Baldwin
In order not to influence a child,
one must be careful not to be that child's
parent or grandparent.
Don Marquis
If children grew up
according to early indications,
we should have nothing but geniuses.
restore our zest for life,
and our faith in humanity.
Old-fashioned grandmothers
take their grandchildren
by the hand and lead them
into the future. They are safe and
kind, and wiser than the child's mother.
Florence King
Our grandchildren accept
us for ourselves, without
rebuke or effort to change
us, as no on in our entire
lives has ever done,
not our parents, siblings,
spouses, friends-and
hardly ever our own grown children.
Ruth Goode
The person who has
lived the most is not
the one with the most years, but the
one with the richest experiences.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau
God gave us loving grandchildren
as a reward for all
our random acts of kindness.
Whether she is a homemaker
or career woman, all a
grandmother wants is her
family's love and respect as
a productive individual
who has much to contribute.
Grandchildren don't make
a woman feel old; it's being
married to a grandfather that bothers her.
A grandmother is
a baby-sitter who watches
the kids instead of the television.
Grandchildren are loving reminders of
what we're really here for.
Grandmothers are voices of
the past and role models of the present.
Grandmothers open the doors to the future.
Helen Ketchum
My grandma's life was so exciting,
it would make a great TV mini-series.
Nathan, age 10
I love my grandma's wrinkles.
Every one tells a story.
Tammy, age 8
It's impossible for a grandmother to
understand that few people, and maybe
none, will find her
grandchild as endearing as she does.
Being a grandmother is
our last chance to act like
a kid without being
accused of being in our second childhood.
At Nana's house even my puppy who
piddles is welcomed with love.
Dennis, age 7
When Grandma was a girl,
she didn't do the things
the girls do today. But
then the grandmas didn't
do the things grandmas do today.
Perfection is in the eyes
of those who wear blinders,
and nobody wears
blinders better
than a doting grandmother.
Wow! Are grandchildren great!
Spoil them rotten -- give them back -- and
laugh and laugh. Revenge is sweet!
Aris Painter
Was there ever a grandparent
bushed after a day of
minding noisy youngsters
who hasn't felt the Lord knew what
He was doing when He gave little children
to young people?
Joe E. Wells
Some of the writers unknown
Grandpa tell me 'bout the good old days
Sometimes it feels like this world's gone crazy
Grandpa take me back to yesterday
When the line between right and wrong
didn't seem so hazy
Did lovers really fall in love to stay
And stand beside each other come what may
Was a promise really something people kept
Not just something they would say (and then forget)
Did families really bow their heads to pray
Did daddies really never go away
Oh, Oh Grandpa tell me bout the good old days
Grandpa everything is changing fast
We call it progress but I just don't know
And Grandpa lets wander back into the past
then paint me the picture of long ago
(Tell Me 'Bout the Good Old Days)
performed by the Judds
Page designed by Gail049
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