Places To Play

This site is a jumble of this and that and that and this!
There are just soooo many things to do and see while surfing
through the internet that I have decieded to use this page to place some of the things
I enjoy and hope you will find interest in too.

Running out of space on your harddrive? Check out this space saving site.

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Also, another resource for learning about internet marketing is located at Tricks. They show you how to make an extra. Working from the comfort of home. Working the hours YOU choose. Doing creative work that you enjoy.

Don't we all get those 'join me' emails...! Okay, so I have given in and visited a few of these sites and found them not to be all fake.

HIFI.COM - $25

Sturgis Bike Rally

SturgisCam Video Archives Produced & Created by:
BigBikes Interactive
Produced by Don R. Logan
Directed by Lionel M. Pasamonte

***You need the new version of Windows Media Player, v6.4, to view Archived Video***

Pics Of Betty Boop
Betty Boop: 1930-1939
Betty Boop World
Postcards with Betty Boop
The Australian & New Zealand Betty Boop Web Site
Many images of The Beautiful Betty Boop
Sound Files of Betty Boop


Not so much the passion of the vehicles themselves, but the LowRider Arte Magazine is awesome.
I believe that I have all of them for the past year or so. I so envy those that can draw and I have found
some beautiful drawings. Here are some links that you may enjoy. I hope to upload some of the images
that I have scanned from the magazine itself.

Best of Lowrider Magazine
LowRider Magazine

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Multi Cultural Greetings


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