Over the years that Heather has been an angel I have always felt that there was a faceless person who tells me there had been a mistakes and we did not cremate her. But I was thought of as being odd and even had to see a specialist to ensure I was sound in mind! Various reasons were given for my feeling this way and pills prescribed, but nobody listened!
We had grandchildren DAVID, NICOLA, AMII, DANIELLE, CHRISTOPHER AND ADAM. Now in 2002 another baby is due. However, never have our thoughts been far away from that little blonde angel we said our farewells to all those years ago.
She was born with love and so it was with love we let her go.
We often wondered which, if any, of our daughters she would resemble? How she would be doing - she would be 39 now a grown woman.
April 14th, 2002, I had to undergo an emergency open heart surgery for a rare heart defect no one suspected I had. Ironically, it was the day of the anniversary of Heather's funeral. Two days later I had her 39th birthday to cope with and once again I felt alone.
Our Ruby Wedding came, and we had so much to be thankful for, especially when we read in the papers and saw on the television about the organ retention scandal. Gerald was convinced it did not involve us as it went not that far back! Several months went by and I had to look on line for something to do with Gerald's works. 32 pages to trawl through and whilst I was looking for the right page I noticed one on organ retention. I answered the question and said that although, yes, our daughter had died in Liverpool Royal, it did not involve her as it was too long ago. I received an email asking for our address at the time and other information, which, I supplied.
We went on holiday October 13th for a week to the Action for Blind Hotel in Teignmouth Devon. A lovely week away from the cares of the NHS. We came back and I went on line on October 22nd, 2001, and there it was an email asking me to contact the help line.
I did so and next day a phone call revealed that Heather had not been cremated fully [as I had said all those years ago]. She is in about 10 jars and slides, kept on a shelf, without our knowledge and permission.
It has gutted us, especially as we discovered she had Fallot's Tetrology! We were never fully informed of just how seriously ill she was. Her little fingers and toes had grade 2 clubbing, there were no circulation getting to them, so they were dead. She could have died at any time. If we had not agreed to the operation she would have lived a few months more and maybe seen her second birthday and kept her dignity.
We feel so guilty. We feel we failed her as parents. Sleep does not come easily - Nightmares are a way of life now.
A service of memorial was held in Liverpool Cathedral on November 10th, 2001, for all the children involved. 18 teenagers carried baskets with the names of the children involved and after the beautiful service blue and pink balloons were released. NEVER AGAIN - it should never happen again.
I must pay tribute here to HELEN IZART - this young 22 year old woman is a family link worker, she has the uneviable task of informing parents like myself. I was 22 when Heather died. I admire this woman so much - she has the strength of women much older. She has helped and guided us along the minefield of process of a second cremation.
ANNE POVALL is another to be singled out. She talked me and my husband, with infinite patience, through the post mortem report; explaining everything. She was also on one of the wards Heather would have been on and sent me a photo of Sister Elspeth Culshaw and Pof. Hay and several other doctors just as I remembered them all those years ago.
The volunteers at PITY2 have helped enormously - they went through it before us and so we benefitted from their tragic events.
Another funeral for our angel will be held soon. As we walk into the crematorium the music playing will be The Batchelors "I believe" it was playing the night she died. The reading as we walk in will be The 23rd psalm. Two verses on this web page will be read out and the words AND THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE from John will be read out.
Raymond, Samantha Judith and Jacquelene have had a lot to cope with these past few months Their Dad and I say thank God for our remaining children we are truly blessed.