Gerald and I met on a blind date December 25th 1957 - I was 15 and he was
16 yrs old. We knew then that we wanted to be together always. On May 13th
1961 We were married and had decided that we wanted our family whilst we
were young.
I became pregnant immediately and we were thrilled. At 3.10am on Monday
April 16th 1962 our beloved daughter made her entrance into the world in a
Maternity Home in Bolton [England] weighing 5 lbs. 12 1/2 ounces. She had
sandy coloured hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes - the colour of wet
As Heather was being born I heard my mother's voice telling me I had a
daughter and she would go home before she was 2 years old. My Mom had been
dead since August 1959. During the next few months Heather would scream and
cry whenever she was laid down on her back or side. I was told I was
neurotic. Heather was christened on May 13th 1962. Our 1st wedding
anniversary. She was christened in the same church we were married in. By
the time she was 3 months old I had an appointment with the Pediatrician at
a local hospital. Soon she was transferred to another hospital over 40 miles
This Children's Hospital was known as Liverpool Royal Children Hospital in
Myrtle Street. I was to become used to the journey there. Over the next few
months Heather was in and out of it like a yo- yo She had croup so often I
felt I lived at the hospital.
By now I was pregnant with Baby No.2 and had 8 month old very poorly baby to
look after.
It was discovered she had a hole in her heart. In the 1960's this was rare
and a dangerous operation to undertake. We had very little money at that time and no one knew just how much financially and emotional this was draining us both.
My best 21st birthday present was having Heather home for the day. She was
in a lot of pain, her blue lips testament to the pain she had. By 18 months
old she could not walk and I had given birth on May 3rd to Raymond her
brother. He turned out to be a ray of sunshine in those dark days ahead. Ray
had asthma so once more I was still going to the Outpatients Dept., [Little
did I realise in those days that I would be going there until 1985.]
The months went by and the pain and suffering of Heather continued - There
were not the facilities for children in the 1960's. We received a telegram
on March 31st, 1964, telling us to take Heather into Hospital for a life
saving Heart operation - to repair the hole she had.
We could not afford for both of us to go, neither could I afford to visit
her. I took her into the hospital wearing a blue pinafore dress and lemon
coloured jumper on April 1st, 1964. It was to be the last time I saw her
I rang daily to see how she was. The operation had been fixed for April 8th.
I went to the hospital that morning, I watched the building of the new
Christ the King Cathedral from the hospital windows. Did some embroidery -
anything to pass those hours. A lot of the time I spent in prayer - asking
God to heal her. The staff had never had anyone there on their own. I was
so lonely. At 7.45pm our daughter lost her fight for life. In 8 days time
she would be 2 years old. The operation they said was successful - how could
it be successful if she had died?
A post mortem revealed she had not one hole but 2 - Both the same shape and
size so only one was detected.
- If you have a daughter treasure her with care you will never miss her
till you wake and she's not there.
Gentle Jesus meek and mild
Please look after our little child
Heather was born with love and so,
it is with love we let her go.
Our hearts still ache with sadness
and rivers of tears still flow.
The years go by so swiftly
as older we do grow.
You have given us a privilege of being parents true
We return to you our daughter Lord - our angel living with you.
Please read another POEM: God's Lent Child which means a lot to me.

Gerald and I and his Guide Dog Frank.
Taken at our daughter Judith's wedding
in 1992.
Please visit here for Photos of Heather:
Please visit here to find out
the recent events concerning Heather:

This page created by Arlene Jacobs
from one bereaved parent to another,
as a volunteer of My Mother Is A Survivor
The background was made by

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