Welcome to Club
Cat Daddy
The Ray Family's Home on the Web
Club Cat Daddy?
Why not?
We wanted a cool name for our website. A place for family fun...a club (we're all kids at heart).
And the name Cat Daddy just sounded cool to my ex-husband who abandoned the family who he claimed to love so much...so be expecting a major update in the near future.

This is Granni Ray (Keith's grandmother), Neil, Keith, and Kristin in the Summer of 1998, back when we were a happy family and intended to be together forever. Unfortuantely Kristin did something really stupid and so Keith decided that "for better or worse" meant that it was time to bail permanently instead of trying to work things out to everyone's benefit. ...but fun comes before forgiveness, in Keith's eyes, so now we are no longer together- because Keith would rather see his wife and child broken-hearted and shattered than whole. He now has a new
girlfriend and she, and his desire for revenge, are much more important to him than forgiveness and the vows he made to his wife and adopted son, who both love him and want to repair the damage done. Keep an eye out for the continuation of this story.
Moms will
love these links:
Visit Neil's momma and see what's cookin' in Kristin's Kitchen
Neil's Treehouse: links to great kid sites and other fun stuff.
Let's climb up to Neil's Treehouse