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Abortion kills children..or don't you think so??

Letter to Catholics...please read this!! The lady who wrote this has since passed away. Jeannie was a sweet lady.

me & the hubby

Coloring pages!

Lots O'Links


The Two Babylons

or The Papal Worship

Proved to be The Worship of Nimrod and his Wife, by Rev. Alexander Hislop

History of the Papacy

by J. A. Wylie

History Of The Donatists - by David Benedict, D. D

Author of the History of the Baptists; History of All Religions; Fifty Years Among the Baptists; etc. - Printed for Maria M. Benedict, Providence, R.I. By Nickerson, Sibley & CO., Pawtucket, R.I. 1875

A History of the Christian Church - by William Jones

A History of the English Baptists - By Joseph Ivimey, 1811

Including an Investigation of the History of Baptism in England from the earliest period to which it can be traced to the close of the seventeenth century. To which are prefixed, testimonies of ancient writers in favour of Adult Baptism: extracted from Dr. Gill's piece, entitled, "The Divine Right of Infant Baptism Examined and Disproved."


Persecutions of Popery to the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes, A.D. 1685. By John Dowling (Exerpts from: The History of Romanism by John Dowling, New York: 1853)

Translators Revived -by Alexander McClure

A History of the English Bible, and Brief Biographical Sketches of the Translators of the AV1611

History of the Bible - by Elder Robert L. Webb

The Waldenses - An Examination of the Doctrines of this Medieval Sect

The History of the Waldenses

By J. A. Wylie (1808-1890), London: Cassell and Company, c1860

Rose pictures..6 pages in all

Miniature roses, 3 pages

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