Thoroughbred District
Cub Scout Training
A note for any interested parent. If you want to learn more about cub scouting,
you are welcome to attend the basic leader training course. You do
not have to be in an assigned position to attend. You just need to
be interested in the boys and this program and be prepared to have fun
while learning about the program.
Who to contact about Cub Scout leader training in Thoroughbred District:
Paul Curry at the Scout Office phone 606-231-7811
Training Chair Shelby C. Jett 606 252-8126.
Adult Leaders who may or will be:
Tiger Coaches, Wolf
and Bear Leaders
First or Second year Webelos Leaders
Pack Committee Members at any level.
Adults who may or will be:
First or Second Year Webelos Leaders
Are you a Bear leader now ? , then this is for you!
Click on the Fire for WLOT Training Details
Den Chief Training
Who: Boy Scouts with the concurrance of
the Scout Master.
What: Training to be a Cub Scout Den
Where: Same place as Pow Wow, Midway,
(halfway between Lexington and Frankfort)
When: Saturday - Nov 4 from 9:00 through
Why: Cub Scout dens need den chiefs,
Boy Scouts can use the experience for advancement and
we will improve the chances for cub scouts to cross over to boy scouting
with this program.
"This is not an official page of the Bluegrass Council